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Materializing in a side street, Steve steadied himself by leaning on an abandoned car. That same anxiousness he felt in 2012 returned to him when he looked around at the debris of fighting the Chitauri. Considering the green hue to Tony's pale skin, Steve was positive that he felt it too.

"Alright, we have our assignments," Steve started gaining the attention of his team. Looking at Scott, Bruce, and Tony as he continued, "Two stones uptown, one stone down. Stay low. Keep an eye on the clock."

With an aggressive bang of something big being crushed, Steve startled. Turning to look back at the street to find Hulk smashing an alien with a car. Even going so far as jumping on top of the overturned car to make sure the alien was dead.

Turning back to face the three men, Bruce bashfully hid his face and Steve suggested, "Maybe smash a few things along the way."

Ripping off his black tank top, Bruce said, "I think it's gratuitous, but whatever."

Going in the opposite direction of Bruce, Steve gave one last glance over his shoulder. Sticking close to the wall and back alleys, Steve made his way to the Avengers Tower. Tony took to the sky as he, and a shrunken Scott, flew in his most recent Iron Man suit.

For a moment, Steve worried that Tony would have an attack. Ever since 2012, Tony had struggled with PTSD. Of course, Steve knew that it was happening long before then -- ever since he was captured -- but going into the wormhole, really messed him up. Not that Steve could blame him. He imagined that he'd be just as anxious as Tony, if he had been the one to do it.

Eventually, the alien sounds ended as the Avengers successfully finished the fight. Steve's mind wandered to the way he felt back then. Fresh out of the ice, trying to figure out the world around him and mourn everyone who was gone. Confused because never in his wildest dreams would he have imagined an alien race coming to their world to conquer them. It would've been cheesy and unrealistic even in those pulps that Bucky loved so much. Idly, Steve wondered if Bucky would've been oddly fascinated of the goings-on.

"Gotta hustle, Cap," Tony said through the comms, "Things look like they're just about wrapped up here."

Entering the tower through the back with codes he remembered like yesterday, Steve replied, "Got it." Running down empty hallways and passing abandoned corridors that were cleared out when the attack hit, Steve confirmed, "I'm approaching the elevator now."

"Uh, Mr. Rogers, I almost forgot that that suit did nothing for your ass," Tony teased.

Slowing his pace to a casual walk, Steve easily paused in front of the elevator. Blushing, he told his teammate, "No one asked you to look, Tony."

Softly, Tony whispered, "It's ridiculous."

Steve rolled his eyes. Scott decided to add, "I think you look great, Cap. As far as I'm concerned, that's America's ass."

His blush growing even darker, he was glad when Tony started describing who Rumlow and Sitwell were to Scott. Of course, once Scott pointed out how obvious it was that they were the bad guys, Steve felt like an idiot. He had been naïve back then. Trying to navigate a world he didn't know, he didn't even question them back then. Figuring that since they worked for an organization that Peggy and Howard founded, and working with Natasha, they had to be on the right side of things.

"Alright, Cap. I got our scepter in the elevator just passing the 80th floor," Tony informed.

Nodding to himself, Steve started heading that way, "On it. Head to the lobby."

"Alright," Tony agreed, "I'll see you there."

Without a hitch, Steve made his way to the correct elevator. Trying not to think about the last time he had been in an elevator with Rumlow. Of course, not completely a bad thing that he became their enemy. After all, it brought Bucky back to him. Silver lining.

The doors opened and for a moment, the other men looked surprised to find Steve there. For a moment, he was afraid that they could tell that he wasn't the Steve that they knew in 2012. After all, he knew a lot more of the world. Knew of who they were. Of who they really worked for. Maybe it showed on his face.

Settling in the elevator, Sitwell commented, "Captain, I thought you were coordinating search and rescue?"

Remaining ramrod straight, Steve attempted to ease his stance to seem less threatening, and simply said, "Change of plans."

Steve's skin itched the longer he was in the elevator. He knew that he needed to get it out of Rumlow's grasp and out of HYDRA's hands completely. At least, until he had to unfortunately return it.

"Rumlow," Steve announced, feeling the air shift to one of suspicious unease. Knowing that he had to lie, he hoped that none of his tells were on display as he continued, "I just got a call from the Secretary. I'm gonna be running point on the scepter."

"Sir?" Sitwell's head cocked slightly, "I don't understand."

Very aware of how stiff he was standing, Steve focused on that as he half-lied, "We got word there may be an attempt to steal it."

Clearly not buying it, Rumlow said, "Sorry, Cap. I can't give you the scepter."

Taking after Rumlow, Sitwell reached for his phone, "I'm gonna have to call the Director."

Fuck. Steve's heart stuttered, "That's okay. Trust me." Then, knowing that the only way that they were going to trust him, he'd have to do something that made him sick. Leaning over, he ignored the acidic taste in his mouth as he whispered to Sitwell, "Hail HYDRA."

The air in the elevator shifted. Easing once they assumed Steve was on their side. And since Steve was supposed to be doing what the Secretary, a higher up in both S.H.I.E.L.D. and HYDRA, ordered, Rumlow handed over the silver case that protectively held the scepter. Once it was in Steve's hands, he quickly exited the elevator before they could take it back.

Although he felt sick for lying about where his allegiance lied, he couldn't help the upward tick to his lips. He was one step closer to bringing back those who were taken. He was one step closer to happily ever after.

Not Without You: Book 1 (Canon-Divergence Stucky Fix-it-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now