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"So," Cassie started as she juggled a neon pink soccer ball. Bouncing it with the tops of her feet and her thighs while alternating legs, "What's Thor like?"

Holding one of the spare soccer balls that he found in a storage closet, Steve tried to mimic Cassie's movements, but failed. Nevertheless, he caught the ball and tried again while he answered, "Having a hard time. Just like everyone else."

"Okay, but like," Cassie stopped the ball to look at Steve. Placing her hands on her hips, she clarified, "What was he like before?"

"What do you mean?" Steve's brows furrowed as he placed his hands on his hips too.

"You know, before," Cassie shrugged. Waving her hand out to Steve, she explained, "I doubt you were like this --" using both hands to gesture at Steve "-- before."

"Ouch," Steve good-humoredly scoffed as he theatrically touched his chest over his heart.

Playfully, Cassie rolled her eyes and went back to juggling the ball. Even switching it up by tapping it behind her, twisting, and hitting it with the heel of her opposite foot. As she did that a couple more times, Steve teasingly muttered, "Show off."

"I'm sure that if you practiced, you'd be able to do this too," Cassie assured, returning to the easier juggling.

Steve shrugged and lamely dropped the ball the way Cassie had when she started out. Managing to lightly kick the ball up with the top of his foot. Catching the ball, Steve looked over to the teen for approval and enthusiasm. He wasn't disappointed as Cassie's wide eyes matched his and she raised her hands up victoriously.

"Way to go, Steve!" Cassie genuinely encouraged.

"That felt good," Steve admitted.

"Right?" Cassie agreed, catching her neon pink ball.

Pumped, Steve corrected, "Felt damn good!"

"Hell, yeah!" Cassie enthusiastically confirmed, raising her arms even higher in the air.

And why the fuck not? Steve thought as he lifted his own arms up in victory, too. Which seemed to be the right thing considering the large, toothy grin that split across Cassie's face. She then took a step closer, still holding her hands up, to give Steve double high-fives.

"So, I guess it's not true," Cassie smirked, starting to juggle the ball again.

"Hmm?" Steve hummed, dropping the ball and kicking it back up to his hands with the top of his foot. Feeling entirely proud of himself when he managed to another three successful kicks before flubbing the fourth and breaking his streak.

"You can teach an old dog new tricks," Cassie joked, barely able to contain her giggles. Especially when Steve playfully narrowed his eyes at her. Then, he very purposely knocked the ball away from her. As it rolled much farther than Steve anticipated -- nearly to the landing zone -- while she complained, "Hey!"

"Sorry," Steve chuckled, running across the lawn to get the ball. Just in case one of the aircrafts came back early.

Once he returned, he tossed the ball to Cassie while she started, "There's something I've been wondering."

Expecting another zinger, Steve cautiously questioned, "Yeah?"

Nodding, Cassie kept her gaze down and worried the inside of her cheek. Instead of a joke at Steve's expense, she asked, "Why'd you leave here?"

Taken aback, Steve averted his gaze to the ball that he had abandoned on the lawn. Shrugging, he admitted, "Wasn't home anymore." Then, he amended, "Hadn't been in a while."

"So," Cassie sat down on the lawn. For a moment, Steve tensed; fearing that she'd continue those questions. Instead, she wiggled her brows and wondered, "Thor hotter in person?"

Chuckling, Steve sat on the lawn and teasingly confirmed, "Oh, you would not believe just how much more attractive Thor is in person."

"Really," Cassie exaggerated while giggling and passing the ball back and forth between her hands. Briefly glancing behind herself to the facility before looking back to Steve and asking, "You think we'll actually figure it out? Time travel, I mean?"

"I know we will," Steve assured. Needing to reassure himself more than Cassie, especially when he confessed, "'Cause I don't know what I'm going to do if it doesn't."

Letting the ball drop into her lap, Cassie said, "You know it's not your fault, right? None of what happened is your fault. You did your best. Just because it didn't play out the way you wanted it to, or wasn't as successful as the other times, doesn't mean that you didn't try."

"I should've stopped him," Steve argued, jaw clenching as he redirected his eyes to the grass prickling at his bare calves. Picking at some of the strands, Steve worked on controlling his breathing. Inhale. One, two, three, four, five. Hold. Exhale. One, two, three, four, five. Hold. Throat tight with the suppressed emotion, Steve added, "I was supposed to protect him. Protect everyone, but especially him."

Reaching across the short distance between them, Cassie gave his hand a gentle squeeze. When Steve forced himself to look up at her, she guaranteed, "We'll get him back. We'll get them all back."

Tears building in his eyes, Steve nodded. He wanted to believe her so much. So, like he had been doing from the moment he heard she was still alive, he put his hope in her hands. Hoping that she was right.

Wind started blowing the loose strands from her ponytail from her head, and Steve looked over to the landing zone where Rocket's spaceship was quickly descending. Standing, Steve sniffled and extended his hand to Cassie. When she took it, he pulled her up.

As they picked up their soccer balls, the ship landed. Door opening, and out walked -- well, stumbled -- Thor. Ragged and rumpled with his long golden hair matted while his scraggly beard reached down to his chest. Clearly having exchanged his Asgardian cape for a comfier bathrobe.

Approaching the god, Steve's heart broke for him a little. Not just because of the vast difference between who he had been five years ago and now seeing how he was now. But because Steve was right there with him. Even if Steve did envy the fact that Thor still had Bruce here. Whether they picked up where they left off or not, at least Bruce was still alive.

"Thor," Steve greeted with a kind grin and open arms.

After studying him for a moment, a large smile eventually crossed his face as he accepted the embrace with a, "Cap!" Holding Steve close, he companionably smoothed his hand over the back of Steve's shaggy hair until the strands reached the middle of his neck. Steve tightened his arms around Thor's thicker torso while the god wetly exclaimed, "It's so good to see you!"

"It's good to see you, too," Steve assured, sighing in relief and sadness. It had been a while since Steve had visited New Asgard and he apologized, "I meant to visit."

Removing himself from the embrace, Thor waved it off, "I'm glad you didn't. I haven't exactly been my best."

"None of us have," Steve comforted, wrapping his arm around Thor's unsteady frame as he guided him over to the building, "But now, we're not alone."

"Yes," Thor agreed, a smile tugging at his lips, but not reaching his sunglasses covered eyes, "At least we're not alone."

Passing Cassie, she quickly snapped her mouth closed. Quickly catching up to them as they entered the compound. All the while, Thor stroked his own bushy beard but commented on Steve's, "It looks nice."

"Clearly, I was inspired," Steve teased, giving Thor's shoulder a squeeze. And when Thor laughed -- loud and intoxicatedly -- a weak smile tugged at Steve's lips. At least they were together now.

Not Without You: Book 1 (Canon-Divergence Stucky Fix-it-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now