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After a flash of white, Steve forced his eyes open. Trying to sit up, he groaned in pain. Soon, a slender hand was on his chest, easing him back down on the bed. Brows furrowing, Steve blinked as his vision tried to focus, but he couldn't make anything out. It was just a lot of muted reds.

Turning his head in the direction the hand came from, he found his mother sitting there, dipping a rag into a bowl of water. The same way she used to when he was a scrawny kid, Sarah lifted it to his forehead and dabbed at the sweaty skin.

"Shh," Sarah soothed, "You just rest now."

Looking towards the front where the door had been, but wasn't now. Steve attempted to get up again as he protested, "I can't -- Bucky."

"He'll be there once you're done resting," Sarah replied, easing him back down on the bed.

With tear-filled eyes, Steve watched his mother as she sat there in the rickety wooden chair with the chipped paint and lumpy cushion. Humming a soothing Irish lullaby as she took care of him. Once she realized he wasn't going to fight her anymore, she said, "I'm proud of you. You're a good man. Selfless. Strong. A little too brave for my liking, but you've always been that way. My little Steven Grant, it's okay to take care of yourself. It's okay to rest."

Pushing his hair off his face, Sarah leaned over to kiss his forehead as she whispered, "Just rest."

Closing his eyes, tears escaped from the corners of his eyes and a whoosh brought him back to himself. There was a rhythmic pushing on his chest, then a mouth over his as they breathed a breath into him. More pushing as the person with a deep voice cursed, "Fuck! C'mon!"

That mouth wrapped over his again and a deep breath was pushed into Steve's body. When he pulled back, his voice was rough with unshed tears, "Steven Grant, I swear to fucking god."


Scoffing, he -- no, not he, Bucky -- said, "He just had god knows how much electricity coursing through his veins, I don't want to shock him again." Rougher than before, Bucky slammed his fist -- the new vibranium one that Shuri made him -- against the center of Steve's chest.

Gasping, Steve's eyes flew open to find Bucky kneeling beside him. Thor was close by as he leaned on Stormbreaker while Mjolnir hung limply from his hand. Scott was there too, along with a brunette that Steve assumed was Hope. Glancing by his feet, he found Cassie. Covered in dirt and dried blood and looking positively torn.

As soon as Bucky realized Steve was conscious, he leaned down, wrapped his arms around Steve's body and held him close. Directly into Steve's ear, Bucky emotionally threatened, "As soon as you're better, I'm going to kill you!"

"Oh," Scott said, hand over heart, "Oh, thank god. Cap... tain... America, you had us worried there."

"That was very brave of you," Thor stated, "Stupid, but brave."

Breathlessly, Steve chuckled and looked around to see ash fluttering around them. He managed to croak, "It worked."

"Of course, it did, you idiot," Bucky sighed, panting as though he was the one who needed to be resuscitated.

With eyes only for Bucky, and more energy than he was used to expelling, Steve forced his limp arm up. Cupping his hand around the back of Bucky's neck, he pulled the brunet down to him, smashing their lips together in his first kiss in six years. Letting out all the unspent passion and love with their lips pressed together.

Eventually, Bucky pulled back, and Steve groaned in protest. Smirking, Bucky reassured, "We have plenty of time for that later."

Although Steve knew that was true, he couldn't help but pout. Only agreeing with him when Bucky's eyes darted to the other people around him, reminding Steve that they weren't alone. Not wanting to seem weak, Steve shifted, in hopes of getting up and pain shot through his body. Glancing down his body, he noticed how his right arm was burned down to the muscle and mangled. The gauntlet melted to his hand, yet the stones still shone brightly.

"Don't move," Cassie demanded, while Bucky placed a hand on Steve's chest the same way Sarah had, and tears built in Steve's eyes again.

Bucky, not understanding, reassured, "The pain will be over soon."

Reaching out with his uninjured hand, Bucky, thankfully, took it in his. Noticing how aware Bucky was of their audience, Steve glanced at them and asked, "Can you guys give us a minute, please?"

"Of course," Thor easily agreed, standing from his knee.

"You got it, Cap," Scott said, standing as well.

Worrying her lower lip, Cassie didn't say anything, but stood nonetheless. Seemingly shaken from the day, she wasn't her usual sassy self, but she did manage to give him two thumbs up.

Finally alone, Bucky just cradled Steve's hand in his lap as he surveyed his body, making sure that he didn't miss any point of injury. Shaking his head, tears built in Bucky's eyes and he asked, "What the fuck were you thinking?"

"Needed to end it," Steve croaked, his throat still tight from the emotion and the pain.

Shaking his head, Bucky half-feigned exasperation as he questioned, "What am I gonna do with you?"

Fixing a smirk on his face, Steve joked, "Anything you want. I'm yours. Forever, doll."

The corner of his lips tugged upward and he leaned down to kiss Steve again. It was softer than the first one, but the passion was still present. And if the pain eased, Steve knew that he'd die happy in that moment. But Bucky was here now and Steve refused to die.

Not Without You: Book 1 (Canon-Divergence Stucky Fix-it-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now