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Making sure that the camper's trailer was properly hooked up to Steve's motorcycle, he stood. The leaves were falling and soon it would be too cold for the bike. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Bucky and Cassie playing with Morgan. Raking the leaves into piles, only for the five year old to jump in them, messing the piles up.

As Bucky brought her into his arms, she giggled uncontrollably. When he pressed a raspberry onto her stomach, she squealed and Steve's grin grew. Only briefly, Steve wished that he had been there from the beginning. Been there to find out that Pepper was pregnant. Back when Morgan was learning to crawl. Or take her first steps. Or say her first word. Especially when she said her first swear word.

For a moment, Steve wondered if taking Bucky away was the best thing for them. Sure, they could call up Tony and Pepper any time and Steve was positive that Tony would send a quinjet to pick them up. But it wouldn't be the same.

"So," Cassie started, gaining Steve's attention. Dramatically, she put her hands on her hips and continued with her Cap Impersonation, "You're back to your lumberjack ways because it turns on your boyfriend."

Blushing, Steve theatrically tilted his head to look up at the sky as he shook his head, "Are you ever going to let that go?"

"Are you kidding?" Cassie good-humoredly scoffed, "This material is gold."

"Of course," Steve sighed and playfully rolled his eyes. Mocking himself, "You make a couple of videos for schools, and suddenly you're a joke."

"Hate to be the one to break this to you, but you were definitely already a joke," Cassie feigned guilt. Then, she lowered her voice to loudly whisper, "Six words: Star Spangled Man With a Plan."

"Oh, god," Steve theatrically groaned in embarrassment as he covered his face. Playfully peeking at her from between his fingers, he saw the large, toothy grin on her face. Dropping his hands, he tugged at her sweater's sleeve, "C'mere, kid."

Sadness colored her expression as she crossed the small distance between them and wrapped her arms around his waist. Steve held her close with his arms around her shoulders and rested his cheek on the top of her head. Although they both knew that it wasn't goodbye, Steve still didn't want to leave. Sure, they knew each other the least amount of time out of all the other kids he considered his nieces and nephews, but that didn't mean that he cared about her any less. When no one else seemed to really be there, Cassie was. She gave him hope. She gave him Bucky.

"Promise to text me every once in a while?" Steve suggested, nearly begging for continued contact.

"Oh, you're gonna wish that I wouldn't," Cassie sniffled. She giggled, "You're going to be up to date with all the current memes."

"I can tell that I'm already going to regret this," Steve said, not even trying to mask his happiness.

Another sniffle and Cassie pulled back, out of the embrace. Crossing her arms along her chest, she seemed to be holding herself, and Steve was glad when Scott came over to wrap his arm around her. With the same sad smile that Steve was sporting, Scott said, "Have a safe trip. Let us know when you get there."

"Likewise," Steve agreed, companionably patting Scott on his shoulder. "And I expect some senior pictures that we can hang up."

"You don't have to worry about that," Scott assured while Cassie teased, "I plan on putting that PO Box to use." Feigning thought, "I'm thinking, postcards."

Steve shook his head, but the grin refused to leave his face. Didn't even leave when Bucky carried Morgan up to them. Not even when Tony and Pepper came down from the deck to wish them a safe trip.

With wet eyes and unshed tears, hugs were exchanged. Tony patting Steve on his back and reminding him to, "Just call if you need anything. A ride, an update, anything."

"Text us as soon as you're there," Pepper said for the umpteenth time that day, kissing Steve on his cheek before complaining, "I think I liked you better shaved."

Chuckling, Steve apologized, "Sorry, Pep."

She simply winked in reply.

When it was Morgan's turn though, Steve's heart nearly broke in half. She clung to Steve's neck, openly sobbing into his flannel clad shoulder. Repeating that she didn't want them to go. And Steve couldn't blame her. Everyone else had already left, and soon, even the Langs would be heading back to California. It seemed as though the world was finally returning to the way it was, and Morgan definitely didn't like it.

"Hey," Steve soothed, rubbing her back, "We'll be back, bug."

Sniffling, she finally pulled back enough to look at Steve and, with a quivering lower lip and tear stained face, she asked, "You promise?"

"I promise," Steve readily assured, meaning it.

She glanced over at Bucky and asked, "Even Uncle Bucky?"

"Even Uncle Bucky," Steve confirmed. Holding her close once more, Steve kissed her temple before passing her back to Tony.

Taking in a deep breath, Steve turned towards his lover and asked, "Ready?"

"Ready," Bucky agreed.

Nodding, Steve triple checked the trailer before straddling the bike. Bucky climbed on next and firmly wrapped his arms around Steve's trim waist. Resting his cheek against Steve's shoulder blade, Bucky removed one arm as he waved while Steve drove off. Tears streaming down Steve's cheeks as he watched their family wave after them in the side mirrors.

Returning his arm, Bucky gave Steve's midsection a comforting squeeze. Reminding Steve that he wasn't traveling alone. That he wouldn't be returning to the cabin by himself. That he didn't have to keep running. He could rest. He could live. Finally.

Not Without You: Book 1 (Canon-Divergence Stucky Fix-it-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now