Forcing Secrets Out Of Your Friends 4

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Mina picked up a diary, when she brought it in front of her, I froze. It was mine.

"Midoriya!"~ Mina.

She handed the diary to me and I flipped through the pages, desperately trying to find a page that wasn't filled with depression. I found none. I got to the end of the diary and panicked.

"I-I...oh no..."

Mina snatched it from me.

"You can't!!!"

I started breathing unevenly.

"Midoriya? Are you okay?" ~ Mina.

I couldn't answer.

"It can't be that bad, Deku" ~ Uraraka.

Mina flipped to a random page and read it before she said it aloud. She froze.

"Are all of the pages like this...?"

I panicked more, she took it as a yes.

"Remember, ours were read forcefully, so, so is his." ~ Kacchan.

Todoroki-kun looked at me worriedly, but obviously wanted to know what I had wrote.

Mina flipped through the pages a bit, causing me to be right on the edge of an attack. But, when she started reading aloud, I broke.

"D-...dear Diary,
Kacchan always says I'm useless, stupid, worthless, and should kill myself to do everyone a favor. I believe him. No wonder my father left and my mother doesn't believe in me. I'm just a waste of life. God, was my purpose to be a punching bag? Or for your entertainment as they break me down more and more? I won't last much longer..." ~ Mina.

Todoroki-kun held me as I had the worst attack I've ever had before. He tried to calm me down. The class looked at me, horrified. They were confused, scared, and sad. But that last one, it was always pity. I don't want their pity.

"I....Izuku...? I....I told you I didn't mean it....I didn't know it was that bad....I'm horrible....I'm so sorry....." ~ Kacchan.

I made Kacchan feel bad....I'm so stupid....I wanna die so bad....

Bakugou P.O.V.

I didn't realize I was that harsh. How could he believe me? He's amazing....yet I made him feel like he's nothing.... I can't believe I broke such an innocent boy....I'm so sorry....I fucked up big time....

I started crying. I didn't notice until Izuku pointed it out and the class started at me worriedly. Please don't worry for should be helping Izuku...


Izuku got up on wobbly legs before dropping down in front of me and hugging me.

"Pl-ease do-n't cry, K-acch-an. I-t's ok-ay"

He tried to comfort me, but it made me feel worse. He shouldn't be helping me, he should be hating me, getting revenge. He's just too innocent. I pushed him softly.

"I'm not the one who needs a hug here. Izuku...I'm so sorry..."

He shook his head slightly. I hugged him tightly. I was afraid that if I let go, he would disappear. We got some "aww"s and tears from the class, but I didn't care at the moment. I just want to make it up to Izuku, for being a stupid, selfish jerk. And I will protect this boy with my life. It's the least I can do for him.

End Chapter 12! Hope you liked it! We aren't done with these diaries yet!

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