Todoroki's Help 4

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Izuku P.O.V.

I woke up first. I looked at the time and saw that it was 4am. I looked at Todoroki-kun, he would be sleeping for a while more. I tried to go back to sleep, but I knew that wasn't happening.

Hah, a worthless deku doesn't deserve sleep.

'What should I do?'

You could be a burden and wake Todoroki, or you could go cut while he's asleep and make sure he doesn't know.

'Todoroki-kun needs sleep.'

He also needs a better potential boyfriend. You are weak and useless. You should just die. But, I tell you when you die, got it?


I cautiously get up and walk to the bathroom. I open the door and check for any signs of Todoroki-kun being awake. I find none and lock the door behind me.

⚠️Self-harm Warning ⚠️

I find my razor in a cabinet and sigh, bringing it to my wrist. I drag it across quickly, without checking how much pressure I put on the razor. The blood was barely showing. I picked a new spot and made a harsher movement. It only bled a little bit.

I did this over and over until it ran down my arm, before doing it to my other arm.

Suicidal freak
All Might wasted his time, he only gave his power to you because he was running out of power quickly
You will never be a hero
Todoroki pities you
Or, he hates you and he's trying to break you
But, you already are broken
Take a swan dive off of a building and hope to get a quirk in your next life, you fucking deku.

I bawled. By the time I finished, my thighs and arms were covered in fresh cuts. I put the razor down and gripped my head.

'Stop! I know! Please, just STOP!!'

My mind quieted down some and I cleaned myself up. I layed back in bed, but didn't sleep. My mind screamed at me again.

'Stop....please....NO!!' "STOP!!!"

Todoroki-kun was startled awake.

"Hey, what's wrong??"

I took my nails out of my head and looked over to him.

"It's nothing, Todoroki-kun, I'm fine...."

He wasn't convinced.

"You have voices...."

I looked down, ashamed.

"Sorry, I woke you up...."

"No, this is dangerous. If you don't get rid of them, they will kill you."

"I know..." 'But I want to die.'



"I don't belong....I have too many problems....."

"We can fix it."

"It's not that easy! One little thing can set me off!"

Todoroki-kun seemed a little surprised. But soon went back to serious.

"That doesn't mean it's impossible."

"Why do you even care?!"

"Midoriya. Calm down. I care because you helped me and you're an amazing person. And I really like you."

"You're wrong! I'm terrible, disgusting! You should hate me!"

Todoroki-kun grabbed my arm and pulled me over to him. I winced.

"Look, I know you're broken and depressed. But, that's not a reason for me to hate or even dislike you. You're strong, you can get through this if you try hard enough. But, you have to try."

I sighed.

"Just try. If not for you, for me? For Bakugou? For your mom?"

I hesitantly nodded. He slightly smiled, it was handsome.

End Chapter 17! Please tell me how you feel about this story! Thank you!

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