Chapter 2

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I quickly looked away, so I didn't look like a creep and made my way over to the teacher. He looked up at me as I approached, hoping that he wouldn't make it a big deal that I was knew around here.

"Awe, you must be Nyarah. I'm Mr. Berty and welcome to our school. Kids I want you to be nice to Miss. Moon and make her feel welcome," he says as I hand him the slip that he quickly signs before I walked over and sat in the only vacant seat, which was in front of the girl and the vampire.

There was something different about him, his eyes were golden. But it was also weird to see a vampire so calm around humans. It's almost like he learned to coexist with them. Strange. Vampires normally don't have that kind of power to resist human blood. They crave it more than anything else on the planet. Or so I thought.

My nerves started easing when Mr. Berty said that we would be watching Romeo and Juliet which was a relief. I've seen various depictions of the classic Shakespeare play, from staged productions to constant movie remakes. Gets tedious when you know all the words to heart, but what can I do?

Even though I've actually lived through the Elizabethan era, I still watched the movie. It couldn't be compared to actually seeing it back in the day, live and in person but at least this one was the classic black and white version.

I was so lucky to see this back when Shakespeare was alive, his plays were always so enchanting to watch, I thought to myself as I became engrossed in the film.

We got half way through the movie before the bell rang and Mr. Berty dismissed us saying that we'd finish it tomorrow. Gathering my things, I stood up and checked my schedule seeing that I had science next and I made my way over there, hoping that this day wouldn't drag on.......


My other classes went by quickly, mostly because I actually had worksheets to do, which took my mind off of things. Now it was time for lunch. Best part of the day. In my opinion.

I made my way to the cafeteria, following the trail of teenagers who were hungry. Luckily the line wasn't long as I went to stand in it.

"You're Nyarah right?" A mysterious voice says from behind me and I turned around to see a petite girl will long dark brown hair, standing behind me.

"That would be me," I state holding my hand out for her to shake. She gently shook hands, a big smile plastered to her face.

"I'm Jessica!!" She says, a bit too excitedly.

"Nice to meet you," I exclaimed as the line began moving, she came to walk beside me.

"You can come sit with my friends and I, that way you won't be alone," she offers as we reach the front of the line and I nod.

"Sure, that's very kind of you," I state piling a piece of pizza, a brownie, and a bottle of water onto my tray before handing the lunch lady a $10 bill.

"Keep the change," I say as Jess leads me over to where she sat with her friends.

It was a small group of people. But I didn't mind as I sat in the sit next to Jessica.

"Hey everyone, this is Nyarah. She's new here. Nyarah this is Mike, Eric, Angela and Bella," she says introducing everyone to me.

"It's nice to meet you all," I say glancing around the table. It was again that I noticed the girl from my dream. So her name was Bella.

I was worried that my dream would one day become a reality. If so, then she finds out about the wolves, and something tells me that she already knows about vampires.

Which wouldn't go well if The Volturi ever found out that she knew about their kind. But my senses tell me that there is something different about her, she had this compelling nature about her and as I gazed at her aura it made me feel calm. It was also a fascinating aqua blue color, so different from the auras that I saw on a daily basis.

However, she also gave off a vibe that says she's very danger prone, making me believe my dream is going to come true.

Despite all my analyzing, I managed to get along well with Jess's friends and learned somethings about them. And soon it was time to head to Gym, it was also my last period of the day since I already had most of the courses needed to graduate.

We ended up playing dodgeball and it was alot of fun. I'm not really sporty but I always enjoyed gym class because it gave me an energy boost. Most of the girls didn't want to play but thankfully Jess, Angela and Bella played. Well Bella practically ran around avoiding the balls at all cost, she claimed that she sucked at sports or any game that involved hitting a target, moving or not.

Our team ended up winning and then class was over. Changing back into my other clothes, my supernatural ears picked up the faint howling of a wolf that sounded miles away. It caused shivers down my spine as the hair on my arms became at a stand still.

This made my theory true.





Danger was coming, if not now then later. But one thing was for certain, I have to right that wrongs that I made so long ago. It was time for my creations to stop being enemies and finally call it a truce between them.

After all, they weren't created to be enemies. I needed to restore the balance that was destroyed.

I needed the vampires and the wolves to get along, like I intended them to do........

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