Chapter 12

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So Jacob has now shifted and, like Embry, has been avoiding all of his friends which has really upset Quil and left poor Bella in shambles. She calls every few hours and has left tons of voicemails because she's so worried about him. His father told her that Jake had "Mono" so that's why he couldn't hang out with her anymore.

It's been hurting me so bad because I couldn't tell her or Quil the real reason why their friends weren't hanging around them anymore. But what could I do.

Here I was watching Spongebob on the tv in my livingroom because I had nothing else to do. Quil was busy and all Bella did was sit by the phone hoping Jake would call her.

Anyway all was well until I felt an immense amount of pain in my arms and both sides of my ribs. Now, I knew nothing was wrong with me because it was almost like a shadow of what someone else was feeling. And only one person could get hurt and I'd be able to feel it. Embry.

In a nanosecond I was off the couch rushing out the back door and tuning all my senses to track where the wolf scent was the strongest. Focusing on that, I pictured myself being taken to that place and closed my eyes.

There was always a rush from teleporting, like taking off in a plane or skydiving for the first time. But it doesn't last long as it happens so fast. The next second I opened my eyes and I stood outside a cute little house that was set in the middle of the woods, much like mine, and was the perfect place for a pack to hangout.

The pain felt stronger which clarified that he was inside that house. Shuffling slowly from the ache that was pulsing through my body, I made my way to the door and knocked loudly. There was shuffling behind it and soon was whipped open to reveal a worried Jared.

"Nyarah what are you doing here?" He asked obviously confused as to how I found out where they hangout.

"How is he?" I asked brushing over his question and clutched my heart as my breathing picked up. My ribs ached but it wasn't my pain I was feeling.

"How'd you know, that's not apart of the imprint?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"Witches have their own form of Soulmates and Embry is mine. It's stronger than an imprint bond. We can feel each others emotions," I explained getting anxious.

He just nodded before letting me inside. The house was even more cute on the inside and the main room at the front was the kitchen and dining room. Jared led me past it and into what I'm guessing is the livingroom. Inside was Sam, Paul, Jake and a pretty black haired women. Lying on the couch, in pain, was Embry. He was grunting and wincing, sweat dripping across his face.

I rushed forward and flopped down on the floor in front of him placing the back of my hand on his forehead. It was hotter than the usual temperature of a shifter, so I closed my eyes and conjured up an ice pack, placing it gently on his head.

"How does she know about us? What is she?" Jake asks as he watched me do my magic.

"She's the Earth Goddess from the legends. The great witch who made us spirit warriors and Embry's imprint," I heard Sam say as he too watched what I was doing.

"What happened to him?" I asked looking up at everyone.

"A vampire squeezed him and broke a lot of bones, we were able to set them right before the healing really kicked in," the women says offering me a kind smile.

"You must be Sam's imprint Emily. I can see why he loved you so much,  you're so kind and very pretty," I state because she really was even with the scars on her face. Scars give people more edge, makes them look adventurous. Emily just smiled brighter.

"How did you know he was injured" Sam asks as Embry reached forward and grabbed my hand which made me smile.

"Like I told Jared, witches have their own form of imprinting although it's far more powerful. It's like our souls combine into one and we are able to feel each others emotions. It happens when we make eye contact with our soulmate and Embry has been mine since the day we met," this time explaining more in depth and he nodded.

"Nye," a faint voice says causing me to turn back towards the boy who managed to steal my heart.

"I'm right here Em," I coo running the fingers of my free hand through his now short hair. His fever has gone down some and it was like he was healing just from my touch.

His soft brown eyes gazed into mine "I'm sorry for being distant these last few weeks, I was ordered too," he says and I smile.

"Oh I understand. It's not me you've gotta worry about. Quil's pissed at both of you," I state looking at him and Jake "Poor guys been beating himself up all week because of it, luckily he's going to shift soon,"

After our chat everyone left us alone. Emily when to make supper because she has to start early to make loads of food because the guys have big appetites now that they've got to run patrols and have a wicked metabolizm.

"Come here," Embry says pulling me close so that I was now laying beside him with my head snuggled into his bare chest. I did my best not to hurt him anymore then he already was. Every so often he's wince or groan as his bones began healing. However being with him again made my heart flutter and I felt whole again.

With my ear pressed right over his heart I began drifting off to sleep, listening to it's calm steady beating, and I felt relaxed....

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