Chapter 21

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Everyone was staring at Quil who had no idea what was happening and he looked really confused. Of course they didn't tell him about imprinting, because that information would be useful especially in a moment like this.

I think it was cute that he imprinted on Claire, even is she is only two. It means that he can be a big brother figure for her and watch her grow up. Then eventually when she's old enough, because he'll stay the same as long as he continues to shift, their relationship can possibly blossom into something more. It quite beautiful when you think about it.

We were still quiet until someone came through the door it was Jake's sister who got back from collage."Jake," she says looking over at him "Dad wants you to tell him when you'll be home and if you plan on going somewhere to stay safe,"

It was in that moment that she just glanced around the room, making eye contact with Paul, whose eyes also became dazed. Making everything more interesting in this moment.

I causally sat down in Embry's lap and he instinctively wrapped his arms around me, pressing my back to his bare chest. Looking over at Jake I saw an astonished look on his face as everyone noticed what had happened for the second time in under half an hour.

"Seriously Paul!! That's my sister," Jacob exclaimed sending a small glare at his pack brother. The comment snapped Paul out of his daze and he stayed silent. Something that was not like him.

"I guess imprinting isn't as rare as you thought, that's almost everyone in the pack now," I say looking up at my boyfriend who also found this situation interesting.

"It's a good thing Jared imprinted the other day or this would get even more crazy. It's like a teen drama right now," he says pecking my cheek.

"Wait!!! Jared you imprinted and didn't even tell me. Some pack mom you are. I thought we were friends?" I state looking over at the boy who sheepishly blushed offering up a shy smile.

"I figured since you have amazing sense that you'd be able to sense it," he says trying to find a good excuse.

"What's her name?" I asked clapping my hands together, something that you probably realized I do when I'm excited.

"Kim," he says almost dreamily which was adorable, to say the least.

"Awe my Jerbear is in love," I cooed earning a laugh from Embry.

I was so caught up in our small conversation that I forgot the situation that was currently unfolding before us in this small kitchen. Jake was having a stare down with Paul. Poor Rachel had no idea what the hell was going on, and Quil, silly innocent Quil was beyond confused. Meanwhile Jared, Seth, Leah, Embry and I were the only ones entertained by this.

"Can someone tell me what the hell is happening right now?" Quil asks looking over at me a pleading look on his eyes.

"You imprinted on Claire and Paul did the same on Rachel. It means you've found your Soulmates. Someone to be by your side until death due you part," I explained although really Sam should've told him all this.

"You're imprint is what tethers you to the Earth. You'd do anything for her, be a friend, or a brother, or a lover and a protector. Nothing else matters than to protect her and our people. Also none of the other pack members can hurt an imprint we all are sworn to protect them in any way possible," Embry says just as Jake, Rachel and Paul went outside. Probably to fill her in on everything.

"Alright so you're saying that my soul mate is a two year old girl, doesn't that sound creepy to you. I swear I'm not a pedophile," Quil says jumping to bad conclusions and I laughed.

"It's alright, your relationship with her can be platonic especially now. As long as you continue to phase than you'll never age so eventually she'll grow up and one day your relationship can be more than platonic. What's important now is that you're there for her and to be what ever she needs you to be," Emily says finally voicing her opinion on the matter.

After that everyone who was still inside finished up their dinner and went our separate ways. Embry drove me home and I asked him to spend the night. Luckily he didn't have patrol so he agreed to it. I changed into a band shirt and a pair of shorts before crawling into my bed beside him, resting my head on his chest. We didn't say anything, just enjoyed each other's company.

I fell into a calm, peaceful sleep listening to the sounds of Embry's heartbeat.

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