Chapter 8

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The boys just stared at me. The only sounds were from the animals living throughout the forest. Then suddenly a burst of laughter could be heard.

"Oh please, like she could be the Earth Goddess. She's our age," the guy whose name I still didn't know, says finding it hard to believe that I'm a witch of great power.

"I wouldn't tick her off Jared," Sam says giving a warning "She's quite powerful,"

"For the record I've been alive sine the dawn of Ancient Greece. I also had to watch in fear as my whole coven and family burned alive because humans didn't like the fact that we were different, if I hadn't left the village then I surely would've burned with them and your kind as well as mine would no longer exist," I tell Jared trying to make him believe me.

"Prove it," Paul says wanting to know for sure that I'm telling the truth. It seemed only Sam believed me.

I rolled up the shirt sleeve on my right arm so it uncovered my shoulder. There sitting on the front of my small bicep, was an intricate tattoo of a wolf which magically appeared when I gave the Quileutes their powers so many years ago. 

"You're not the only one with a symbolic tattoo, it appeared after I gave your people the ability to become spirit warriors. Just like how yours appear right after you first shift." I explained then pulled my shirt back down.

To make my point even more known, I opened my hand and watched as a flower began to bloom on mid air turning into a pretty tiger lily. The boys stared in awe as they witnessed something that should've been impossible.

Then looking into my eyes they saw my usual green eyes turn into the pretty lilac color that always came forth when I did any form of magic. After years of practicing magic it was so easy for me, even some of the things that should require loads of strength. I never have to give much thought or concentration unless it's absolutely necessary.

The flower stopped growing once it became a mature full sized flower. Still as beautiful as if it were grown in the ground over a period of time. My eyes went back to their original color as I tucked the flower behind my ear.

"Magic is not something that should be lied about, so do you believe me now?" I asked as Paul and Jared nodded, their jaws hung open in a combination of shock and excitement.

After my little chat with the wolves I made my way back inside where I did my night time routine before crawling into the comforts of my bed, hoping to get a good night's sleep..


The next three months have been long and agonizing. Poor Bella was a decrepit shell of her old self. She came to school but ignored all of our friends as well as me. Opting to sit at the table where her ex boyfriend once sat.

Charlie told me that he wakes up in the middle of the night to Bella screaming bloody murder and it's not getting any better. He even thought about sending her back to Jacksonville where her mom and stepdad lived but she wasn't having any of it.

She wanted to stay in Forks, even if the Cullen's were not here.

Since I couldn't hang out with Bella because she was so broken, although I tried my best to help her, I spent the last three months getting to know Quil, Embry and Jake better because Bella shut me out completely.

I missed being around her, even if she was as stubborn as a mule but I know one day she'll get better.

Right now I was sitting in my livingroom watchking old reruns of the Simpsons when the sound of my doorbell rang through the otherwise quite house.

I unhappily got up from my comfy position on the couch, and trudged sluggishly to the door, my long brown hair billowing out behind me. I was also wondering who could be here at such an early time, on a Saturday.

But my question was answered when I opened the door to see the smiling faces of Quil and Embry staring back at me.

"Well at least you rang the doorbell, unlike last time," I state earning laughs from my best friends.

"In our defence, you shouldn't have left the door unlocked," Quil says his smile growing wider "Also Jake's the one who pushed us through,"

"If Jake told you to jump off a bridge, would you?" I asked genuinely curious about his answer.

He shared a look with Embry before he replied "If that bridge wasn't too far from the water, then yes yes I would," which caused me to giggle.

"I figured you'd say something like that," I state "Now what brings you around so early on this fine Saturday?"

Embry laughed "Nye it's almost one o'clock," he states showing me the watch on his wrist causing me to sigh.

"I don't keep time on weekends," I say before Quil answers my question. "We're going over to see Jake and wanted to know if you'd like to accompany us," he says giving me a flirty wink.

He never misses a chance to flirt with me and I find it cute because I know he only means it in a friend sort of way. I cant wait to see him when he shifts and imprints. He'd be very loving towards her.

"Alright, lead the way then," I say slipping on my sneakers and following them outside thinking that maybe today would be a good one......

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