Chapter 46

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Zander helped bring the kids to his car, which was a sleek sliver Aston Martin. Vampires weren't the only creatures that liked riding in style, although most vampires don't tend to settle roots down anywhere. Well besides the Cullens and their family from Alaska and the ever so threateningly Volturi. Once the car seats were snuggled in securely, Embry hopped into the passenger side while I rode in the back with the twins.

The ride to Emily's was short and everyone was waiting outside for us. They must've known we were coming through the mind link and probably know that Seth imprinted on Emileah. Too bad I wasn't around for the teasing because then I could've stuck up for Seth and possibly prevent it from happening. Alas I could tell by the redness of Seth's face as I stepped out of the car that I was too late.

I grabbed Cameron's car seat as it was the one closest to me while Embry grabbed Emileah's. As we approached Jared rushed forward, a look of happiness on his face, stopping in front of us he peered down at the sleeping twins and let out a gasp.

"Oh my gosh!!! They are adorable!!" He exclaims clapping his hands together, much like what I do when I'm over excited. Seeing this caused everyone to laugh, including Kim who walked up beside him.

"Ladies and Gentlemen I give you pack mom Jared," I state making a welcoming gesture like they do in movies when welcoming someone of great importance.

Jared took a bow whilst waving to everyone making Claire burst into a fit of giggles as she watched Jared act like a fool. It's nice to see that Claire looks at the pack as though they are her big brothers and they look at her as a little sister. The imprints are like big sisters to her and vice versa, she brings light in the times of darkness which everyone is grateful for, especially Quil.

After the laughing calms down, Quil makes his way over to me and peers into Cameron's car seat and gasps "He looks like Embry when he was little, also how the hell did you not know you were carrying this little guy. It was a shock when Jake told us you had twins," he states crouching down to get a better look at my son.

I laughed "Well Carlisle says that because Emileah is only have shifter, Alice was able to see her in a vision. However Cameron is 100% shifter so Alice couldn't see him," I explain slowing making my way inside, everyone else following behind me.

"Emileah was bigger than Cameron so she practically hid him from showing up in the ultrasounds and since her heart beats faster than his, it blocked it from the scans," Embry says finishing my explanation.

As we all sat around the livingroom, Emily went into the kitchen with Rachel and they began making breakfast for everyone. Once all seated I noticed that not everyone was here.

My eyes scanned around the room "Where's Jake and Aquaria?" I questioned wondering where the newly imprints could be and taking Cameron out of the car seat. Embry had already taken Emileah out and was handing her to Seth who had a big smile on his face.

"Who's Aquaria?" Sam asks and it doesn't surprise me that Jake didn't tell them about him imprinting. You see since Jake is the destined Alpha, he can shelter his thoughts from the rest of the pack.

Embry and I shared a laugh before Seth spoke up "She's the mermaid girl we saved on the beach the other day, Jake imprinted on her last night. She has this power that lets her connect with anyone she's met which is how she found out Nya was going into labor. If she dries here tail then it turns into legs," leave it to Seth to get Aquaria's whole life story.

"Our Jakey is growing up," Jared exclaims wiping a fake tear and sounding like a proud mom.

"I didn't know our kind could imprint on other creatures such as mermaids," Quil says making grabbing motions towards me and I passed Cameron over to him.

"Well I'm no expert on these types of things but I'm pretty sure your kind can imprint on any creature that's half human. Which includes mermaids, witches and Nymphs," I state smiling at Kim and Jared who were now playing with Emileah. They'll make great parents one day.

Just then Claire walked over can climbed into my lap, her stuffed wolf clutched tightly to her chest. She takes that wolf everywhere she goes which I think is adorable. Once settled in my lap she placed her hand on my now flatter stomach.

"Auntie Nyrah, your babies are so cute!" She says then proceeded to snuggle into me which made me smile.

"Oh I know they are cute, just like you princess," I say as I began running fingers through her long dark hair. I cherish moments like these with my new family, it was very heart-warming......

Sorry it took so long to update, I've been having major writers block lately but I hope you like it and thanks for reading..


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