Chapter 55

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As the days go by in a blur there is only one thing that's certain. Bella is getting weaker with every passing second which worried us all. Luckily my health was somewhat better but I just felt weak and drained, however I'm not concerned for myself, I'll be fine. What I'm mostly worried about is if Bella really is going to pull through since she's having trouble keeping food down.

We were all sitting in the livingroom (Jake, Seth, Zander and Aquaria amongst us) trying to find the best solution to get Bella all the nutrients she needs. Suddenly as if both thinking that exact same thing Jake and I both look at eachother like we had an epiphany.

"No that could work," Edward says reading our thoughts since our reaction startled everyone, except the twins who were asleep in Zander and Aquaria's arms.

Bella looks at Edward then casts her gaze between us "Whatever ideas you have I'm more than happy to oblige,"

"Since the baby if half vampire it would make sense that it would want blood instead of food," I state making my thought known which caused everyone to nod in agreement.

"That is worth a shot," Carlisle says wanting to do everything to help his daughter in law.

"If it's craving though it won't want animal blood," Edward points out and Carlisle gets up making his away into the kitchen with Edward following. Alice took Jasper out of the room since he's still hefty around ham blood.

After a few minutes they both came back and Edward handed Bella a styrofoam cups with a straw. She shakily took the cup and brought the straw to her lips. Poor Jake looked pale as he turned away not wanting to see his best friend drink blood when not having an appetite for it.

"I think I'm going to be sick," he states but Aquaria takes his hand as a way to reassure him about this.

Bella takes a big sip of the blood and actually seems to like it which means that this idea could work out afterall. After Bella declaring that it tasted good, Carlisle checked her pulse.

"Her pulse is already getting stronger," he informs which causes us all to smile. It's great that she's finally able to keep something down. Unfortunately she'll go through it all quickly meaning that there wouldn't be any blood left for surgery.


It's been a few days since finding out that all the baby wanted was blood and Bella was looking so much better. Right now I was in the room that they had set up for me and the twins, Rose was giving them a bath. It makes me happy that I can see her glowing with happiness when she spends time with them. It's the least I can do since I know how badly she wanted a child in her human life.

Downstairs I could hear Edward telling Bella that he can hear the babies thoughts and how it liked the sound of his voice. It was also very happy which made Bella laugh. Just then Jake knocked on the door and I turned to see him standing in the doorway. He had a worried look on his face.

"What wrong?" I questioned walking over to him and placing my hand on his shoulder. Aquaria went back to the ocean because she could only stay out of water for so long.

"Carlisle, Esme and Emmett are going hunting but we need to distract the pack long enough for them to escape. It would be best if you came with us, maybe you can distract them better," he says and I nod. If this was going to help Bella than it was worth a shot.

"Alright then, let's go," I say as we made our way downstairs and into the back yard where Seth, Leah and Zander were already waiting for me. Since I could barely walk, especially through the forest I hopped on Zanders back and we began the trek know once we were a good portion away, the pack would smell us.

When we stopped I was placed back on the ground and leaned on Leah for better support, luckily she didn't mind one bit. After a couple minutes, rustling could be heard from the trees and the pack came into view. There standing with them was Embry which made my heart jolt as I lost my balance. Luckily Leah steady me before I could hit the ground.

"Coming home Jake? Cupcake?" Quil asks probably confused as to why we were wondering about the woods. I slowly stepped forward, but Zander moved with me incase I stumbled again.

"We came you tell you to leave Bella alone and her child," I state with authority which caused them to flinch. I could feel Embry's eyes on me the whole time I spoke.

Paul scoffed "You think that treat scares us?" He says with an eye roll which only made me mad.

"I am Nyarah Scarlett Moon, mother of hybrid twins and creator of shifter and vampires. A powerful witch and earth goddess, protector of nature and humans. If I was threatening you, then you'd know. But know this, you tell Sam to stand down or I'll take away his Alpha status," I declared. Every word laced with power as I felt my eyes turn yellow causing them to put their hands up in surrender. Although Embry looked like he didn't want to be on their side in the first place.

Everything was fine until I felt a searing pain in my heart which caused me to fall over. Everyone beside me rushed over to see if I was alright. "Nye are you alright," Zander asks as I grabbed at my chest which now felt like it was on fire. I was about to answer when everything went black.........

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