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seungcheol slide down the wall and burried his face in his knees. tears slowly streaming down his cheeks as he leaned back on his door. his gaze captured a letter that's been neatly folded on his desk.

he stood up, staggled toward his desk. he wiped the tears stain and slowly picked up the letter. seungcheol sighed as he read the name on the letter from.

from ; kim mingyu
to ; seungcheol hyungg ♡

everything will be fine, please stay healthy for me.

he took a deep breath before reading the whole letter.

dear seungcheol-shii,

hiiiii ! are you crying..? please don't... im sorry i didn't tell you sooner but i don't want to worry you.

im going to be happier after this. you don't have to regret anything. every moments with you, are the best. you are the most carring hyung and friend that im glad to have. whatever happened to me is not your fault.

this is my decision so please stay healthy and happy. thanks for always be there for me.

i love you hyung !


seungcheol felt his knee shaking. he collapsed on the floor, hugging his knees to his chest. his eyes watering again making him feel weak.

" why didn't you tell me sooner? "

his voice become weak and small.

" im sorry mingyu... "

then he fainted on the floor of his room. rain started to pour very fast that even the moon disappeared from the dark sky.


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