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jisoo tugged on his jacket, hugging himself as he wander around the empty cafe after the funeral. the cafe where he first met his friends. where they created their first memory together. he smiled while staring at the empty seats where they all used to sit at. the back corner of the cafe.

he sat down on his usual seat, taking out a letter from his  pocket. his mouth form into a small simper as he read the words in the front.

from ; kim mingyu~
to ; josh hyung uwu

let bygone be bygone and im sure you understand ♡

he then open to read the inside.

dear joshua / jisoo hyung,

our favourite gentleman. im sure you'll be fine and i want you to help the others to keep them happy and healthy.

you can do that for me right? and please stay healthy too hyung. everything that happened already happened. let bygone be bygone.

i think you know this already but i still want to say this. i love you hyung !!! thank you thank you thank you for willing to be my friend. the memory we made will always be cherished so don't forget to move foward with the others.


jisoo couldn't help but cried. he let himself cry until the sky joined him. he looked up , wiping his tears and flashed out a small smile.

" i love you always, mingyu-ah. "

he whispered, keeping his gaze on the sky like mingyu was staring down to him.


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