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jihoon entered his studio. he put his head on his desk, he was having a mixed feeling ; tired, sad, frustration and especially heartbroken.

he just couldn't accept the fact that mingyu was gone. his gazes fall into the letter he received after the funarel which he sure was from his friend.

he unfolded the letter and sniffled as he read it.

dear woozi hyung,

hey there my short friend! IM SORRY don't hit me !! let me start over, hey there my fav roommate tho you're the only roommate i had.

thanks for comforting me when i really need it. even if you don't show it much but i know that you care. start from now on, look for another roommate so they can take care of your trash and make sure you'll be fed. lemme give you a suggestion... kwon soonyoung perhaps? hurhur~

im sorry i couldn't stay with you much longer. just so you know, i really love you for always being there for me as my best roommate. take care now !


jihoon gasped, shaking his head over and over until his head spinned. as he heard the sound of the rain pouring from the outside , he bursted into tears.

" how can i ever replace you, mingyu... "


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