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wonwoo was the only one left in the burial room. he kneeled down, stared at the picture in front of him. kim mingyu. the boy was smiling in the picture.

he took a deep breath before breaking down all over again. he make sure the room was empty so that he could have his moment with mingyu's ash.

" mingyu, why did you left? why didn't you tell me about this? i wish i could help if i knew... "

he whispered to the picture set up on the shelf along with the ash. he slowly reach for the vase and carressed it gently as if it's delicate.

" why didn't you take me with you? "

he sobbed, wipping his eyes hard before he took out the letter that he was supposed to read.

dear my beloved wonu hyung,

yah ahjussi, don't cry too much. this is not your fault. im sorry i didn't tell you, how could i? i don't want to break you. i just can't.

wonwoo hyung, please remember that i love you so much and i will never stop loving you even after this. don't blame yourself and please do me a favor and find someone that can take care of you like the true king you are. because that's how you did to me ♡

you are a wonderful guy and you should know that. there's more in this world that you should explore before you can come join me so enjoy your life for me.

yours truly love,
kim mingyuu♡

wonwoo let out a heavy sigh. his lips slowly forming a smile as he gaze to his friend picture again.

" i love you too, kim mingyu. i always will. "

he said, kissing their promise ring. he put on mingyu's on the same finger. he sure will never take it off, never.


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