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hansol rarely cry. he exited the burial room with his blank face. he wasn't sure where he was going and he sure enough that he wasn't going to go back to the dorm. he stopped in front of a restaurant and he immediately went inside.

the restaurant where mingyu used to buy him food after he finished school. the restaurant was almost close but he stayed until every customer left. that's when he decided to read the letter.

dear hansololo,

chwe hansol vernon, hyung is very sorry that i couldn't treat you anymore after this. i belived that you can handle my death because this death shouldn't become a tragedy for you. it's because im happy now.

after this, i want you to continue doing amazing things that can make people look up to you like i did. and that just make everyone love you because i do. hyung love you, hansol. listen to scoups hyung and stay happy.

you mingyu hyung

hansol rarely cry but he cried reading the letter. his heart crushed remembering his memory with his late hyung.

" gomawo hyung... " he said between his sobbed.


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