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minghao covered his mouth with a tisu as he sneezed into it. he blowed his nose until it turned red. it was a side effect from crying. he was wandering around at an aesthetic street where he and mingyu found photogenic.

mingyu was his first friend when the first time he moved to korea along with seokmin. from the three of them to just the two of them now for 97 peers in their group of friends. and now, nothing will be the same anymore.

he sat down as soon as he found the favourite spot where he and mingyu used to hang out while drinking some wine. it has been a routine to the both of them. he sighed and pulled out a letter.

dear my best chinese chingu,

there,there hao. i know you're sitting on that bench. did you prepared the wine tho? if you didn't then buy some.

can you give me a favor? please continue photographing because we both knew how much you love it and you wouldn't let it go just because this happened, right? so please keep on pursuing what you do best because that would definately makes me and everyone else happy. especially junhui hyung, right?

now always remember that i believe in you and i also love you so much, my friend. always remember that !


minghao slowly smiled and without him noticing, tear have escaped his eyes dripping on the paper. he quickly wiped it with the end of his sleeve.

" i promise, mingyu... "


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