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seungkwan and mingyu are like tom and jerry except they care and will always look out for each other. seungkwan mind was blank the whole time through the funarel. he was the first one to exit the burial room along with seokmin.

he ran to his favourite place whenever he's having a breakdown like currently. it was a library. he pushed the door in front of him and rush straight and settled down at the kids section. he gathered his breath before he could concetrate on the letter he received.

dear my jerry,

boo seungkwannn ! our diva pal, don't lose your diva please. the people need it.

i am sorry that we don't have much time to quarell anymore. if you need to let something off your chest, come to my grave. i'll listen , i swear. but don't come at 6 cuz that's when im having my tea. not joking tho.

now, hyung is very sorry and i hope that you would stay as you are ; amazing ! because i trust that you are stronger than i was so promise me to keep on living your life to the fullest. i love you ♡

Love love,
your mingyu hyung

seungkwan folded it back before messed up his own hair. he wanted to scream but no voice coming out so he cried until he fell asleep in the corner.


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