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jeonghan roam in a park with a letter in his hand. he looks weary and his eyes were watery. it was midnight when he decided to have a stroll in the park after the funeral.

he walked over to the swings, taking a seat on one of it. he swinged himself higher and higher. he stop when the letter flew toward the slide. he picked up the letter and read the insides slowly.

dear jeonghannie hyung,

how are you? please don't cry a lot. can you smile for me?

im sorry i never told you this but just so you know, this is my decision. whatever happened, it was and will never be your fault. everything you had done to me are going to be kept inside my heart.

you are always willing to listen to me and i love you for that, hyung. thank you for being my friend.

mingyuuu ♡

he leaned on the slide, his eyes gazes over the dark blue sky when it started to pour. he sobbed as the sky started to rain faster following his pace.

" mingyu... im sorry... hyung love you too.. "

he whipered softly.


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