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chan took his shoes off before entering their dorm. he took a glance at mingyu and jihoon's room. staring at the room making him wanted to enter the room so he did.

he sat down on mingyu's bed, sniffling as he did. he remembered the letter that he got at the funeral ceremony that was written by mingyu so he took out and decided to read it.

dear maknae chan,

dino-ya, you think i don't know that you're on my bed? hehe, don't worry you can always do that whenever you miss me.

you're reading this now because im surely are gone. tell the others that i left some recipes for them to cook when they're hungry. im sure not writing this for you to do some errand so he we go ;

lee chan, you are the maknae. you play an important roll in our family. i trust you to keep everyone healthy and happy for keep moving foward. im sorry i can't do it with you. i wish i could but i just couldn't. so i trust you for this.

now don't ever stop giving others your contagious laugh and the positive energy. that's what make people love you more and i, kim mingyu, really do love you.

love super love,
you hyung, mingyuu

chan folded it back before rolled over to get comfortable and slept soundly on his hyung's bed.


The end

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