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soonyoung pushed the door open and walked over to the middle of his dance studio looking into the mirror. he stripped off his black suit, threw it aside. his eyes were swollen and hair was a messed. he took out the letter he received from his friend from his pocket.

he sat down, opening the letter even tho his heart was aching so bad. he gripped on the paper as he read it.

dear hoshi hyung,

yah kwon soonyoung! oops, i mean soonyoung hyung! hey hey, what are you doing? go on, GO DANCE !

why are you crying instead of dancing your heart out like you do best? don't let this feeling break you apart, this is not your fault. im happy now. i will be if you stay healthy and happy.

do me a favor, please smile and be your happy self again to make sure everyone else are in their best mood ! remember that i always appreciate you for being my friend and i always love you.


Soonyoung set the paper beside him, hugging his knee to his chest. tears escaping his eyes rolling down his chubby, fluffy cheeks.

" i don't know if i can, mingyu-ah! " he cried. his voice echoes the whole room. he couldn't help but cry all over again.


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