Chapter 28

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In the city,

Third Person's POV

Izuku and Eri were resting in an abandoned house in the middle of city. The older girl pulled out a packet of bread. She unsealed the packet, opening the wrap. Eri then took the bread from her hand.

"Thank you, Izuku-neechan..." Eri uttered, her voice almost inaudible. Izuku smiled at her little sister and ruffled her hair. "It's okay. No need to worry anymore. I promise we will have a new life... A much better one." She assured convincingly, earning a nod from the little girl. She started eating the melon bread slowly.

Izuku watched Eri eating the melon bread in silence, a small sad smile spread on her freckled-face. She looked up to the starts sky, the faces of her bodyguards, Kai and Hari flashed before her emerald eyes.

'I'm sorry for doing this... I just want you all to change... I want you all to know how important it is... To cherish a life... Of a human being...' She clenched her palm into shaking fist.

"Neechan...?" Eri tugged on her top softly, catching her attention. The female greenette looked down to the silvernette. "Yes, Eri?" She quirked an eyebrow at her.

"... Is this a... Right choice? I just... I just don't want to trouble you..." Eri voiced out her uncertainty. Hearing her heartbreaking voice pained Izuku's heart so much.

Without hesitation, Izuku pulled Eri into a tight, desperate hug. "You will never trouble me, Eri. This is my own choice. The path I have chosen to walk on. So don't worry yourself about it, okay?" She whispered into her ear softly.

Tears filled in the little girl's big crimson eyes. She buried her face in her shoulder, her small hands clutched on the back of her top. "Come on, don't cry... I'm here for you now, Eri. And I will always be here by your side." Izuku pumped up her fist while grinning widely at her.

Eri felt the burden in her heart lightened up a bit. Her lips quivered, tears wouldn't stop rolling down her cheeks. Izuku's words of encouragement touched her. She was the only person who treated her like a real human being, besides their grandfather.

Speaking of Pops, now the little girl started to miss the middle aged-man. How she missed his gentle smile, his warm affection, his loving pat on her head. Pops' face appeared in her mind, and she felt the guilt in her stomach squeezing her guts.

Izuku didn't know the truth behind his comatose state.

But Eri knew.

The small girl looked up to her big sister. Izuku tilted her head questionably, an innocent smile plastered on her freckled-face.

'I-I really can't tell her.. It will break Neechan's heart. I don't want to make her feel sad more than she already feels...' She buried her face back in Izuku's shoulder, baffling the older girl.

However, Izuku didn't ask any questions. She patted Eri's back to comfort her. In her perspective, Eri was still feeling down and needed moral support to give her strength.


But before Eri could speak up, she smelled something burning in the house. Izuku sensed something was wrong. She untangled herself from Eri, gripping her shoulders firmly, not wanting to let her go. She looked around in seriousness, her eyebrows furrowed.


Izuku didn't reply. She sling her backpack back on her shoulders and picked Eri up. The younger girl squeaked in surprise.

"Stay quiet. Someone is watching us..." Izuku whispered to the confused Eri. She stared at her serious face in complete cluelessness.

'It's here...!'

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