Chapter 30

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League of villains' base,

Thirs Person's POV

Izuku charged toward Dabi at full speed before head-butting him in the stomach. The ravenette coughed up blood, lunging back very far from the two girls current location.

"That is what you got for messing with me!!!" The greenette mocked the dark-haired villain, standing before Eri defensively. She swiftly picked her up and held her in her arms like there was no tomorrow. Eri buried her face in the crook of her neck, sobbing softly in the protective hug.

"Eri, are you okay?" Izuku whispered to her little sister worriedly. The little kid nodded her head in complete silence, still traumatized after hearing Izuku's screaming just now. Izuku hugged her tighter, relief surging through her body.

"Oh my God, Dabi! Are you dead?!" Himiko asked gleefully while giggling at her comrade, feeling amused when he was sent flying because of a girl's HEADBUT.

The said man sat up himself, hissing in pain. He rubbed his slightly swollen head. He shot a deadly glare at his attacker with his dark navy blue irises. "You are crazy. Much crazier than this lunatic." He shook his head, still feeling dizzy because of the impact.

"You are the one who started the fight so you got what you deserved!" Izuku yelled angrily at her enemy. Eri clutched closely to her, not wanting to let her older sister go. "It's okay, Eri... I will protect you from them..." She whispered reassuringly to her. Globs of tears left Eri's scarlet eyes.

Izuku shifted her gaze back to the villains. Her lips quivered from nervousness. This was going to be her first time battling against villains, since all this time she was protected by her bodyguards, Kai and Hari.

'It's okay. I can do it. Be strong, Izuku! For Eri's sake!' She tried to encourage herself, although deep down she was feeling terrified.

'No wonder... Those odd things keep happening... To think that I have a Quirk, it's really a miracle. But what in the world is actually my Quirk? I still couldn't figure it out.' Sweat rolled down the side of her face.

All of a sudden, while she was deeply thinking, Compress took the liberty to ambush her. To her dismay, she didn't notice his presence soon. The hat-wearing villain reached out his palm to her face, attempting to imprison both girls with his Quirk.

In the nick of time, Izuku's eyes flashed bright green. Even though Compress had activated his Quirk, nothing happened. "What the—"

"Stay away from me and my lil sis!!!" Without hesitating, Izuku raised her fist and landed a heavy punch in his face. The man fell on the floor on his back, lying on there motionlessly.

The rest of the villains were astonished by her strength. Kurogiri knew this situation was already out of control. He was about to use his Warp Gate, but strange light emitting from Izuku cancelled his Quirk.

"I can't use my Quirk?! But why?!" He exclaimed, earning gasps of shock from his comrade. "Her Quirk must be amazing! I'm gonna use it too now!!!" Himiko took out a little glass bottle containing thick crimson liquid. It was Izuku's blood.
The high school girl gulped down the entire bottle. She wiped off a trail of blood on the corner of her mouth, a sinister smile plastered on her face. "Now, time to have some fun—"

Before she could finish her sentence, the inside of her body started to feel like it was burning. A horrifying scream coming from Himiko echoed in the entire building. Her comrades and Izuku stared at her in confusion.

'That is... My blood she drank? What in the world is happening to her? Why did she scream after drinking my blood..?' Izuku asked herself. Her eyes were still glowing light green.

Shigaraki walked in to the scene, his eyes wide with madness. "Don't get close to that freaking monster! She is hella dangerous!" He warned his subordinates.

Dabi got up, still glaring at Izuku. Blue flame engulfed his fist. "I will never stop attacking... Until she dies." He spoke up huskily, before blasting the raging flame toward the two girls.
But like back then, the flame disappeared just right before it reached its targets. Izuku tightened her hug on Eri. "Do it! Come and get closer to me! I will destroy your Quirks!!!" She threatened in seriousness.

Tomura was extremely triggered by her words. He clenched his fist firmly, his mind recalled the earlier scenario.

He couldn't use nor activate his Quirk.

"I will murder you, brats. I WILL MURDER YOU!" Tomura pulled out a gun from the pocket of his pants. He pointed that gun to her direction. Without warning, he pulled the trigger, shooting the bullet.


Izuku started panicking internally, knowing that she couldn't dodge the bullet, since it wasn't a Quirk.

Worse, Eri was facing them!

In the speed of lightning, Izuku turned around to protect Eri. The bullet hit into her back!

Izuku screamed in agony when a shot of searing pain surged through her body. Eri gasped in horror. The two girls fell on the floor, with Izuku on top of Eri. Blood drenched the back of Izuku's top.

Eri was horrified to see this terrifying view of her bleeding sister. "Neechan! Neechan!" She called her out, tears streaming down her face. The said girl was shaking violently as she tried to fight the pain in her body.

Izuku shakily ruffled Eri's hair. "Everything...will be fine..." She whispered, causing her to cry louder. Eri buried her face in her chest, crying her heart out.

"What? Already admit defeat? You are actually weak! So pathetic!" Tomura belittled the girl he just shot without mercy. Izuku just clenched her jaw in frustration.

'I was too naive! I pretended to be strong and tough! Now I make Eri cry... Now I become powerless... Because of my uselessness, I couldn't protect my loved one...' She gritted her teeth.
Izuku slowly sat up herself. She held Eri closely, even though her body was aching. She didn't want to let go of her anymore. And she would never ever do that.

"Kurogiri, Spinner, restrain those two brats now. I'm sick of seeing them." Tomura ordered his manservants. The two nodded their head and walked over to the girls.

Eri felt her heart racing faster in her chest, same as Izuku. They could only pray for help to come...

'... I can't... Stay strong anymore...' A tear flowed down Izuku's cheek. She opened her mouth, and screamed from the bottom of her heart,


Out of the blue, the wall of the building was exploded from outside. everyone was surprised when smokes covered the whole surrounding. Eri and Izuku turned to look at the giant hole.

Izuku felt like crying in relief. Tears fell from her lidded eyes. The smoke gradually cleared up, revealing the new attackers.

The yakuza of Shie Hassaikai were standing before them, all of the members looked extremely intimidating, ready to start a war with League of Villains.

"Time for you all to return our Young Lady to us, you filthy creatures."


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