ChronoDeku Ending

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Izuku's POV

I stared at my flower garden silently, observing Kai who was sitting on the water fountain alone in the garden. He had been spacing out the whole time, and didn't even notice my presence.

Here it comes... Be brave, Izuku. You need to tell him the truth... The truth of your feelings.

Taking a deep breath, I built up the courage to talk to him. Silently, I made my way toward the former yakuza leader. Kai suddenly lifted his head up, signifying that he was aware of my presence.

Kai slowly turned to look at me. I could see the shock written on his face, perhaps not expecting to see me here, standing in front of him.

I gave Kai a small smile and waved a hand at him. "Hey Kai." I started cheerfully. He didn't reply, staying quiet for a few minutes. "...hey." After like forever, he eventually opened his mouth to speak.

"Can I sit here?" I pointed to the empty space beside him. He puzzledly nodded his head. I walked over to him and sat next to him. I could feel his irises eyeing me from head to toe.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be sleeping by now...?" Kai asked, obviously perplexed with my sudden change in attitude. My gaze was fixed on the grassy ground. "I can't sleep... But the truth is,there is something important I wanna tell you, Kai." I said, catching his attention.

"... You sound serious. What is te important matter you want to tell me, Izuku?" Kai seemed pretty curious- but there was a hint of anxiousness in his voice too.

I clenched my jaw in hesitation, before standing up from the fountain. I turned to look at him, staring at his masked face. Guilt was clearly showing on my face.

"Izuku... What's wrong?" Kai asked, worry evident in his usually monotonous voice. My lips were quivering lightly because of nervousness.

Woman up, Izuku! Tell him the truth!

Without hesitation anymore, I bowed down to him apologetically. I could hear Kai gasping in confusion. "I want to tell you... About my decision regarding your proposal."

"Kai.... I want to turn down your proposal."

With that, I rose up, straightening my posture back. I could see the hurtful look in his golden eyes, and I was saddened by it.

"Well... I should be expecting this... I had hurt you... I lied to you... I betrayed your trust... It is only necessary for you to reject someone like me—"

'"No, that is not my reason!" I surged forward to Kai and hugged him tightly. It pained me when he talked negative to himself.

"You are right... You betrayed me... You hurt my feelings... But that don't mean I hate you because of what you did in the past, Kai. I always love you. Always... But my love for you is... love as a family member." I confessed my inner feelings to him.

I broke apart from him and cupped his cheeks. "I turned down your proposal... Because I was in love with someone else, not because I hate you. I hope you understand, Kai." I smiled sadly at him. Kai stared at me with frown expression.

"... Of course I understand. If being with the man of your choice will make you happy... Then I won't stop you." Kai uttered those words shakily.

I untangled myself from Kai and said to him, "You are a good man, Kai. I know you will find your soulmate one day. And I hope she will love you sincerely." I gave him a small smile. Kai nodded his head.

I waved a goodbye at him, and left him in the flower garden.

... Now... I need to see him...

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