Before you, there was an us.

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Most nights she would sit there and think about what would of happened if she had stayed, but deep down she knew that there was no way that she could stay in Chicago, she wasn't happy there and the place brought back to many bad memories for her, so many deaths had happened, losses that were somewhat worse than death, when she thinks of Chicago she thinks of the bad, not the good it brought, like Matt Casey.

* Gabby P.O.V*

I had been feeling under the weather for a little over a week now but I knew there was no way I was going to let that stop me from doing my job the best way possible, the last call we had was horrible, a regular drug user, with him it's call that you will never know how it ends.
Unfortunately for me I got sticked with a needle he had on him during a pat down so I had to go to med to have a full work up, he wouldn't cooperate and tell myself or Brett what he had been using.

It was 11:32am and Dr Manning had just came in with my results, she was awfully cheery, to cheery some might say. She told me I had the all clear but there was something else I should know. She said my HCG levels were high and I was pregnant. I cried, I didn't want to be pregnant. I wasn't with Matt anymore and I had no reason to stay in Chicago so I was going to take the offer of the Puerto Rico job but now.. I had a reason to stay, right? I knew who the father was there was no way I could keep the baby away from him, right?

Two days had passed and I avoided 51 and Matt as best as I could.. I hovered over his name in my call log to tell him the news but every time I went to click call,  I would just lock my cell instead. A part of me didn't want him to know, this was my baby after all he didn't want us to have a biological child after the news we got regarding my health. Instead I packed my bags, called chief Boden and told him my plans and left for Puerto Rico the next day.

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