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Riley spent 4 weeks in the hospital recovering from his injuries. He still has to undergo treatment on his hands and his left leg due to horrible burns.

Gabby still has the worst nightmares about seeing the team load him into the Ambo and drive off into the unknown. She blamed herself daily for even bringing him to Chicago with her, although she knew it was about time he had the relationship with his father that he now is slowly starting to develop.

** Time Jump : 2 years **

It's been 2 years to the day since Gabby returned to Chicago for Wallace's funeral and never looked back. Together with Matt they have developed a strong bond once again and started to raise Riley together, the right way. Riley absolutely loves his firehouse family, if anyone was to ask him, Uncle Mouch is his favourite! 

It was date night in the Dawson Casey household and Uncle Mouch and Auntie Platt had came to spend sometime with not so little Riley and Matt and Dawson go off out to their favourite place in Chicago, MOLLYS! 

Matt noticed Gabby hadn't drank any of her wine the whole night and asked her if she was okay.. she paused and told him she was scared, he asked her why she was scared and she replied with '' I'm pregnant ''... Matt shocked quickly responds with ''Marry me, again?''

*****AN : I had to delete the previous chapter I had wrote were Riley had died, I couldn't think how I wanted to end the story after that so decided the best thing to do would be change it and write this chapter instead and leave you on a cliffhanger with the chance of a possible sequel.  I hope you liked this story, it was my first ever one! Thank you so much for reading!! 

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