Home away from home ..

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The next morning they got dressed and headed to the firehouse, she knew if she had to do it she may as well just tell them all at once.

As she arrived she got out the car and just froze and paused before looking down at her son and saying "this is my home away from home".
She knew he didn't understand, he was about to be 2 years old he didn't even know what he was looking at let alone where he was.
She scooped him up into her arms and slowly walked towards the main doors, as she opened the door, the sound it made put a smile on her face. Although this place had a lot of heartache attached she knew she would forever love it. It was incredibly bittersweet for her.

"Dawson, is that you?" Mouch said with a confused face. "We were told you couldn't make it.." he continued.
"It was last minute, I decided to bring my son with me instead as the sitter fell through" she replied.
"Your son? Congratulations Dawson" Christopher said as he walked in behind her and gave her a big hug.
"What's the little guys name?" He asked as he let go of her.

Gabby was absolutely terrified to say his name because she knew it would give away his father, although he is the identical copy of him anyway, so they probably already guessed.

"Uhm his name is Riley.. Riley Antonio Casey." She said nervously.

Herrmann and Mouch looked at Dawson straight into the eyes as she clocks who was standing right behind them..

"Matt, wait!" She said desperately as he walks away.
"Please watch him, I have to go explain" she continues to say as she leaves Riley with his firehouse uncles.

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