Together 51

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Gabby found it incredibly hard to sleep after the day she had at the firehouse. She never meant for Matt to find out about Riley that way. She wanted to speak to him privately.. but she knew deep down she deserved the cold response from him. After all she lied to him and kept him away from his son.

She forced herself to get ready for another hard memorial of a beloved firefighter and friend. Boden was like a father to the whole of 51.
She pulled out her CFD uniform and got dressed, placed her hat in her arms and kissed Riley on the head and left for the memorial. It was her first time leaving Riley with a sitter who he didn't know so she was worried about him on top of being a bundle of mixed emotions already from Casey and then adding Bodens memorial on top.

* at the memorial *

Dawson and all the members of 51 line together as the memorial starts, fighting back the tears they all are brave as his final call begins.


"Battalion 25, do you copy?"

"Having heard no response from Firefighter Wallace Boden we know that Boden has responded to his last call on earth and that the fire department in the hereafter has a new responder."

"Boden served the citizens of Chicago Fire Department for over 30 years. We appreciate Boden's dedication and his family's sacrifices during the time he was a Firefighter."

"Wallace Boden has now become a Guardian who will help watch out for all Firefighters as they respond to emergencies."

"Firefighter Wallace Boden completed his tour as a Firefighter in this life"

"Be safe until we meet again.

Control clear at 11:32 hours."


There was not a dry eye in the crowd, thousands came out to show their support to Terrance and Donna. Show them how much he meant to the community and the CFD.

"Firehouse 51 will always be his home, your home, don't be scared to come around. We will always make you welcome" Kelly tells Donna as he hugs her tight. "Make sure you let us carry on seeing Terrance grow, don't let him get too cool for us old guys" he laughed and he let go.

"Never. You're always his family" Donna replies.

"Thank you all for this warm memorial, he would of loved it.. just like he loved you guys.. Gabby he would of been so happy to of known you are here." Donna told.

"Think about staying, he always said you were an amazing firefighter and the world needed more like you.." she told Gabby as she hugged her and thanked her again for coming out.

Gabby starts to think of how life would be if she actually stuck around, joined the CFD again.. allowed Riley to grow around the people she loved the most and allow him to develop a bond with his father.

She knew it would only work if Casey was willing to allow Riley in. If Riley wasn't welcome she wasn't going to stay.

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