Save him

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Matt and Gabby spent the last 48 hours together, trying to build a relationship between Matt and his son. Gabby knew this was important for them if they were going to stay.
She had mentioned to Matt how she was going to put in for a transfer back to Chicago, especially firehouse 51 and his eyes lit up as a smile went from ear to ear. He had never heard better news. Maybe just maybe his life was finally going to be good again.. maybe.

Shift starts and Matt is officially the new battalion chief. Everyone knew he was the perfect fit for it and Stella was pretty happy because his promotion meant she got promoted to Lieutenant of Truck 81.
Although everything happened after the loss of Boden, they were happy no replacements were sent in and it was able to stay the close family vibe it's been from the start.

"Hey Dawson!" Stella said running over to give her bff a giant hug. "We have missed you around here, please say you're staying. There will be a paramedic spot open as Brett is hoping to join truck!"
"Im hoping so, we still have some things to sort out." Gabby replied. "We?" Stella said looking confused.
Gabby remember she hadn't told everyone although she assumed Kelly would of. He was on shift when she came in with Riley.
"Erm.. we... my son.. I have a son, his names Riley" she said with a shaky voice.
Stella leaned in for another hug and whispered in her ear "Congratulations Dawson. I'm proud of you".

Gabby was so overwhelmed with emotion yet again she walked through the firehouse to the photos on the wall, ran her hand over Shay's and said "you'd know what to do. I miss you so much girl". As a single tear ran down her cheek.
It had been a while since she had seen the photo wall.. as she ran her hand across them all in her head she read the names. "Leslie Shay, Brian Zvonecek, Wallace Boden" she missed them all so much.

As Gabby went to walk out of the firehouse the alarms went off " SQUAD 3, TRUCK 81, Ambo 61, Battalion Chief. House fire, 3461 ROCKWELL STREET".
Gabby froze, looked at the Matt and screamed "Matt, Riley is there."
"Come on, let's go, faster" he ordered everyone.
Gabby jumped in with Matt as they raced to the house.

"Oh please God please" Gabby kept repeating to herself. One of her worst fear has officially happened. "Matt, I can't live without him".
"Gabby, we don't know if he's in there let's not panic until we know" he said trying to calm her down but deep down he was just as scared. He wasn't ready to lose his son that he had just met either.

As they approached the house they knew it was bad, very bad.

"Right everyone as far as we know there are two people in here, female adult and a young boy, Squad 3, primary search, truck 81, vent. Let's get these people out!"

Severide and Cruz enter through the back "FIRE DEPARTMENT CALL OUT" "CHICAGO FIRE DEPARTMENT CALL OUT" they both shout as a young female runs towards them. "He's stuck, won't open the door. He said his daddy will help him" as she drops and passes out from smoke inhalation. "Capp take her out" Severide orders.

As they get outside to the ambulance Gabby runs over "Dana where is Riley! Are you okay?" Dana is unresponsive and unable to respond to Gabby.

Severide runs outside. "We've got to get upstairs some how, the stairs inside are gone. He's trapped."

"Save my baby" Gabby pleads as she drops to her knees.

"Cruz, ladders" Severide demands. "Hurry!"
As Cruz puts the ladders against the house a huge ball of fire bursts through all the windows knocking everyone back.

"RILEY" Gabby screams.

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