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Matt masks up and grabs the ladders and throws them up against the outside of the house and begins to climb them.
"Chief, it's not safe!" Severide says worryingly.
"My son is in there, I don't care" Chief Casey yells.
Everyone looks around at each other and then look at Gabby. Stella goes over to comfort her as Capt Severide orders Capp and Cruz to go up behind him.

"Riley" "Riley, call out" "Riley it's daddy, call out" he screams.

"Casey report" Severide asks over the radio.
"Still looking" he responds.

As they approach the bathroom they knock the door down and see a little body in the bathtub with the water running. Capp puts his hand on Caseys shoulder and says "Chief, let us".
"No" Casey says as he marches over to the boy, touches his neck and says through the radio "we have a pulse, weak. But a pulse"
As Casey lifts him up to put him in the basket he notices his sons burns and feels sick to his stomach.

As the basket is lowered down the ladder Gabby is screaming for him as Stella holds her back. "Let then work on him Dawson, stay back" she pleads.

They load him up into the back of Ambo 61 to work on him out of site of his parents. Tony jumps into the front of the Ambo and starts driving to med so both paramedics can work on Riley.
"He stats keep dropping" Foster says to Brett.
"He's not breathing, tube him" she says.
Brett intubates Riley as she feels so helpless.
"ETA tony?"
"1 minute"

Gabby was on the way to the hospital and broke down.
"He will be okay" Matt said.
"I can't lose him, I can't go through this again" she cried.


Gabby was woken by a loud bang at her door. She rushes over and opens it..
"What's happened?" She says with a concerned look on her face as two officers stand there.
"Can we come in?" One asked.
"We are so sorry Ms Dawson, we hate that we have to inform you but your brother has been taken into hospital, critical."
"Wait, why what's happened?!" She asks as she grabs her keys and heads to the hospital with the officers.

As she arrives at the hospital she begs them to let them her see him.
"We are so sorry"
"What happened?!" She cries.
"Overdose, neighbor found him unfortunately it was to late" the doctor replied.
Gabby began to cry and asked to see her brother.


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