What if.

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The connecting flight was already half way to Chicago and all Gabby could do was think about the what ifs. So many went over and over in her head and as she looked over at her sleeping boy next to her she began to shed tears.

Gabby picks her son up and cradles in him in her arms while he's still asleep and whisper in his ear hoping her can subconsciously hear everything.
"I'm so sorry baby boy, I deprived you of a loving father, the next few weeks are going to be super hard on us both, I wish I could go back and change how I handled everything you deserved more." and then she kisses him on the back of his head and falls asleep holding his little body close.

* Gabby's dream *

As she's asleep she dreams of her little boy older than what he is now, running around firehouse 51, calling out everyone he loves.
"Hi Uncle Kelly!" he says so happily as he jumps up into his arms.
"My daddy says when I grow up if I want to be a firefighter, I have to be like you!" he says with a smile on his face.
"Your dad is the best captain firefighter we have ever had Bud, being like your dad would make you a hell of a man" Kelly replies.
Kelly puts him down and off he runs to play with the three firehouse dogs.
Gabby is awoken by the sound of the seatbelt alerts going off, it's almost landing time. She's never been on a plane with her son before and she personally finds landing the worst part.
"Fingers crosses he's not like me with landing" she whispers to herself.

Of course he has his dads genes too, he's not scared of anything at all.
As everyone leaves the flight she lets out a huge anxious sigh, knowing what's going to be happening in the next few hours sends her whole body numb, but she knows that it's what's needed. Everyone deserves to know the truth, it's been 2.5 years.

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