Chapter 4

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Branch couldn't stop thinking about that beautiful pink troll Poppy, she was sweet and kind when she punched her fiancé after he flipped off her new mertroll friend and she didn't take crap from any troll. At first he thought that she would hypnotize him with her Pop music but she hypnotized him in another way.

He wasn't paying attention to where he was going and bumped into someone causing him to tumble on the ground, he rubbed his head and was about to help up the person he bumped into until he saw who it was. It was the same purple bastard who sexually assaulted the princess and flipped off the Prince of the Techno trolls, he glared at the purple troll and just kept walking.

"Hey what the bloody hell?! Why didn't help me up you grey bloke?!" He heard the purple troll yell at him, He turned around to face the purple troll with an unamused face. "Sorry but I don't help out bastards especially bastards who grope women and flip off their new friends, so too bad so sad." He said and turned around to walk away but not before he gave the purple bastard the finger who gasped in shock. "Yeah doesn't feel so good when someone does it to you now does it?" He said with a satisfied chuckle and walked away with his hands in his pockets.

Unknown to Branch three trolls were watching what happened with Happy smiles, Poppy, Trollex and Barb and all jumped out of the bush to crowd Him. "Oh my Troll Branch that was so amazing, way to give that purple bastard a taste of his own medicine!" Barb said proud of her big brother who smiled at her and noogied her hair. "That was so brave of you to do that Branch." Poppy said with an excited grin.

"I can tell you the same thing Poppy, when you punched him in the face for flipping off umm I'm sorry I never got your name." Branch said with a smirk but it disappeared from not knowing the Techno troll's name.

"Oh I'm so sorry how rude of me, I'm Prince Trollex of the Techno Mertrolls but you all can just call me Trollex." Trollex said offering his hand to shake with a smile on his face. They all shook it with smiles of their own.

"Nice to meet you Trollex, I'm Queen Barb and this is my older brother Prince Branch." Barb said with a smile, Poppy and Trollex smiled at them in return. "Nice to meet you Barb, I can tell that we're going to be great friends." Poppy said.

"We should gather the other future music rulers and all hangout." Trollex said with an excited smile which the other three returned. "We should do that and teach each other each other's music, it would be so much." Poppy said excitedly. The other three nodded with smiles on their faces and walked to find the other soon to be rulers.

After they found them.

They were all gathered around the same spot they heard Poppy sing earlier teaching one another each other's music, Barb handed Poppy a rock guitar and picked out a song for her to sing.

"Okay I think I get it now, thanks Barb." Poppy said to her new friend with a grateful smile and strummed the strings with a pink guitar pick and began to sing.

"Now I will tell you what I have done for you, 50 thousand tears I've cried." She sang seriously everyone was in awe except Branch, Trollex and Trollzart because they already heard her sing but they didn't deny that she had a beautiful voice.

"Screaming Deceiving and Bleeding for you, and you still won't hear me.(Going Under!)" She shouted as the light wind started picking up again and black rose petals started blowing shocking everyone with the beautiful scene.

"Don't want your hand this time I'll save myself, maybe I'll wake up for once.(Wake up for once!) She sang as she angrily thought about Creek and how she's going to be miserable for the rest of her life after she married him.

"Not tormented daily defeated by you, just when I thought I'd reach the bottom I'm dying again."

"I'm going under!(going under!)
Drowning in you!(drowning in you!)
I'm falling forever!(falling forever!)
I've got to break through, I'm going under!"

"Blurring and stirring the truth and the lies so I don't know what's real and what's not always confusing the thoughts in my head, so I can't trust myself anymore I'm dying again!"

"I'm going under!(going under!)
Drowning in you!(drowning in you!)
I'm falling forever!(falling forever!)
I've got to break through!"

"So go on and scream, scream at me I'm so far away I won't be broken again I've got to breath I can't keep from going under!" She screamed with such rage at Creek the wind was now strong and was blowing everybody's hair to the side and now thousands of black rose petals and dead leaves were blowing everywhere, they were all shocked that a beautiful and sweet troll like her had such anger at somebody she must of really hated Creek.

"I'm dying again!"

"I'm going under!(going under!)
Drowning in you!(drowning in you!)
I'm falling forever!(falling forever!)
I've got to break through!!!!"

"I'm going under!(going under!)
Going under!(drowning in you!)
I'm going under!!!!!!" She screamed as she finished the song with a look of rage on her face, she was breathing heavily until she noticed everyone staring at her with shocked expressions and became embarrassed. "Sorry, my bad." She said with a little chuckle.

"Sorry? That was awesome!!! Who knew that a pop troll would have so much rage and nailed a rock song?" Barb said impressed, everyone agreed with smiles on their faces.

Poppy felt glad that her new friends enjoyed her performance but that wasn't the only thing she felt, she felt someone pick her up and spun her around she looked down to see that it was Branch. They both laughed until Branch put her back down on the ground.

They looked into each other's eyes and blushed with smiles on their faces and touched foreheads while the beating in their hearts were speeding up.

And that's all for now, I'm sorry that this chapter is a day late but I went to Barnes and Nobles and got Star Vs The Forces Of Evil the magic book of spells and I've been reading it ever since I got home and I forgot about this chapter but thankfully I remembered, anyway I hope you all like this one byyyyyyyye!!!!

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