Chapter 8

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After 25 minutes of carrying the 5 trolls the 3 henchmen let them down, the 5 trolls were so scared and worried about what would happen and that's when they heard a familiar voice.

"So playing Cupid with my fiancé and that hideous grey troll eh mates?" The owner of the voice said as he stepped out of the shadows to reveal Creek the Creep, they all glared at him and wanted so badly to use their powers on him.

"Oh please all your pathetic powers don't scare me." Creek said evilly smirking at them, they all rolled their eyes. "Oh please you're one to talk because unlike you we along with Poppy and Branch are extremely dangerous whenever we're angry." Barb said glaring at the creep.

"Yeah! What are you going to do? Hurt us?" Trollex said in baby talk while smirking at Creek, Creek glared at the mertroll because he didn't like his attitude. "I never liked you!" He said to Trollex, Trollex glared at him.

"The feeling is mutual you bastard! You don't deserve someone as beautiful and sweet as Poppy, her and Branch are perfect together and we'll make sure you don't do anything to hurt them!!!" Trollex said loudly and angry to the point he was starting to form a tidal wave until Creek knocked him out, green pixelated blood started to come out of him.

"Trollex Nooooooo!!!!!" D screamed shocked that his new bro got knocked out, they all glared at Creek. "WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!" Barb yelled trying to break free to see if Trollex was alive until they all heard a groan from him as he woke up.

"Trollex! Are you okay darlin'?" Delta Said worried about her mermaid friend. "I think so. Why is my head wet?" Trollex asked as he felt his head and looked to see his blood on his hand, he was shocked and scared but glared at Creek again.

"ENOUGH!!!! Chaz, Tresillo, Wani!" Creek yelled as he snapped his fingers for his henchmen who appeared by his side. "Yes Master?!" They all Said together, Creek looked at them and nodded to let them know what he wanted them to do.

"Take care of these pests, I got some business to take care of!" Creek said as he walked away from the group to find Poppy and Branch so he could kill Branch and force Poppy to be his bride.

"YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS YOU CREEP!!!!" Trollzart yelled loudly and angrily. The 3 henchmen glared at all of them and revealed their powers, Tresillo had heat and lava powers,  Wani had poison and virus powers and Chaz had Fear and shadow powers. The five trolls all cowered in fear and prepared to meet their fates.

Meanwhile with Poppy and Branch.

Poppy and Branch were having the times of their lives, they were on a very beautiful date and decided to sing a little song.

"I never had this feeling before, she gives me shakes and shivers I can't ignore and I see that there's more now than just being mad." Branch sang as he stared dreamily at the beautiful pink princess, he saw some beautiful pink roses on the ground and decided to pick them for her and gave them to her.

"I never felt my heart beat so fast, I'm thinking of him first and of my self last and how happy I want him to be!" Poppy sang as she blushed and took the flowers and kissed his face everywhere. His eyes became hearts and he sighed dreamily as Poppy giggled.

"It's amazing someone in my life just might be loving me, I didn't know that I could feel this way." Branch sang as he offered his arm for her to take like the gentleman he was, she took his arm and with a smile on her face she laid her head on his shoulder.

DJ Suki, Satin and Chenille, Smidge, Guy Diamond with his son Tiny Diamond, Biggie and Fuzzbert looked at the couple and smiled when they saw how happy Poppy looked.

Poppy and Branch halted as they stumbled upon a field of fireflies and decided to play with them, Branch was trying to catch them but stopped when he noticed that the fireflies positioned themselves around Poppy's neck and formed a pearl necklace. Poppy was shocked at first but smiled dreamily at Branch who smiled sheepishly with a blush and she laughed.

"It's so crazy something in my life is better than a dream, I didn't know that I could feel this way." Poppy sang and grabbed Branch's arm and spun around with him but she suddenly tripped on a rock and landed on top of him.

They were both shocked and blushed but they laughed and touched foreheads, they got up and decided to go get something to eat because they were hungry.

"She makes me warm and happy inside."

"He smiles and I get dizzy and starry eyed ."

By then they were at a restaurant and ordered a plate of spaghetti for them to share.(forgive me if this sounds just like Lady and the Tramp 2 and if it's corny I just love writing romance montages.)

"All these feelings I have have me asking!" They both sang at the same time as they looked into each other's sparkly eyes. "Can this be love?" Poppy sang questionly. "Can this be love?" Branch sang questionly in return.

"It's crazy." Poppy sang as the spaghetti was served to her and Branch. "I can hardly speak whenever he/she says hi!" They sang together as they sniffed the delicious spaghetti and started to eat it but they were unaware that they were slurping the same noodle and kissed accidentally, Poppy sheepishly looked away but Branch took her chin and smiled at her.

"I didn't know that I could feel..." Poppy sang with half lidded eyes as she smiled and fluttered her eyelashes at him.

"I never dreamed that I could feel..." Branch sang as he smiled at her and rolled a vegan meatball over to her.

"I didn't know that I could feel this wayyyyy!" Poppy and Branch finished singing together while they finished eating their dinner and left the restaurant.

They went to the local watering hole and stared at the sunset together with Poppy's head on Branch's shoulder and Branch's head on top of hers.

"Poppy I love you." Branch said as he took her hand and held it, Poppy blushed but smiled at him. "I love you too Branch." She said and snuggled deeper into his shoulder.

Branch put his hand on her chin, they looked lovingly into each other's eyes and started to lean in until their lips met in a sweet and romantic kiss.

And that's all for today and beware because Wani, Tresillo and Chaz are going to torture the others and Maya FangirlFiasco's OC will make an appearance in the next chapter and she's going to be distraught once she sees what happens to her beloved Trollex, Anyway Byyyyyye!

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