Chapter 9

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"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH PLEASE STOP!!!!!!" Trollex screamed as Tresillo was burning him with fire, Trollex's friends tried to get out of Wani's and Chaz's grasps so they could save their friend.

"LET HIM GO YOU MONSTER!!!" Trollzart yelled struggling to free himself out of the ropes that were tied on him. "Oooh grilled smoked fish, smells delicious." Chaz Said as he sniffed the aroma. "I agree let's make sushi out of him." Wani said as she evilly smirked and held up a knife and fork.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YA'LL?!!! THAT IS CANNIBALISM!!!!!!" Delta yelled glaring at the 2 Psycho trolls, Chaz and Wani thought about it and decided she was right. "She's right he probably wouldn't taste good anyway, just look at him he's all scrawny." Chaz Said as he laughed at the sound of Trollex's screaming. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY BASTARD?!!! I'M WAY MORE BUFF THAN YOU!!!" Trollex said still screaming.

"Alright Tracey that's enough, it's my turn to torture him." Wani said with an evil smirk, Tresillo stopped what he was doing and turned around to glare at her. "How many times do I have to tell you you? It's pronounced Tresillo not Tracey!" Tresillo Said annoyed at her because she always said it to just piss him off, he moved out the way so she could have her turn.

"Hey hot stuff, sorry that I have to do this to such a sexy troll such as yourself but I'm getting paid 20 million golden cupcakes and silver buttons so it's going to be worth it." Wani said as she smirked evilly at him, Trollex glared at her with a hatred in his eyes. "Nobody calls me sexy and hot stuff except my loving girlfriend Maya!" Trollex yelled at her, she glared at him and used her powers to inject every poison and virus imaginable into his bloodstream which caused him to scream more in pain and unfortunately his friends were forced to watch and they knew it was going to happen to them next.

With Poppy and Branch.

Poppy and Branch were sitting under a tree, The former was on the latter's lap and had her head on his chest. Branch had his hands around her waist and both of them were enjoying their time together.

"Poppy, I know it's too early to ask you this but will you be my girlfriend?" Branch asked her nervously afraid he would get rejected but Poppy looked up at him with a sweet smile on her face.

"Oh Branch, yes!!! Yes of course I will be your girlfriend, I love you." Poppy said and kissed his cheek which caused him to blush and smile at her. "I love you too Poppy." Branch said and peppered kisses on her cheeks which caused her to giggle like a school girl until they were interrupted.

"Help, somebody please help!!!" A mint green mertroll with purple hair and teal eyes yelled, Poppy and Branch got up from their spot to go help her.

As soon as she saw them she had a grateful smile on her face. "Hello there ma'am. Do you need our help?" Poppy asked her worriedly. "Yes yes please. My boyfriend was supposed to pick me up for our date two hours ago but he never heard showed up! That's not like him, he always shows up early for our dates." The girl said worriedly with tears in her eyes.

"Okay We'll help you. What's your boyfriend's name?" Branch asked her, she wiped her eyes and answered his question. "His name is Prince Trollex!" She said in a panic, Poppy and Branch widened their eyes. Her boyfriend was Trollex?

"Wait you're Maya right? Trollex told me all about you! Don't worry we'll help you find him." Poppy said as she put her hand on Maya's shoulder, Maya gave them a sweet smile but decided to ask them a question. "Thank you two so much! Quick question though. How do you two know who my boyfriend is?" She asked with a raised brow, they looked at her with smiles on their faces.

"He became our friend along with the other future music leaders including his sister." Poppy said as she pointed to Branch who nodded nicely. "Now let's go find him!" Branch said confidently.

2 hours later.(because I'm lazy)

"Trollex!!! Trollex where are you?!" They all shouted worriedly, they've been searching for two hours now and and they were starting to get really worried about him and everybody else and come to think of it Branch hasn't seen Barb since this morning but they didn't need to look anymore because they heard a loud scream coming from the survival pod so they went to see what was going on.

As they soon as they got there their eyes widened in horror as they saw 3 different trolls torture them all, they all had cuts and bruises and burns all over their bodies and they looked really sick and were shaking in fear almost as if they were paralyzed by their worst fears.

They saw one of the trolls use flame power on Trollex as he screamed in terrible pain, it hurt Maya's heart to see her beloved sweetheart being tortured. "LET THEM GO YOU MONSTERS AND GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY MAN!!!" She yelled angrily and summoned a giant tidal wave to wash them away.

As soon as the 3 trolls heard her yell they turned around and widened their eyes in horror and ran away never to be seen again, they ran to their friends and untied them they all looked terrible but Trollex looked the most terrible.

"Trollex!!! Sweetheart it's me Maya can you hear me?!" Maya Said distraughtly with tears in her eyes. "M-Maya is that y-you my l-love?" Trollex said with his voice all hoarse and dry, the other trolls walked up to the rack.(How did that get here they had no idea.) "Yes it's me baby! I'm so sorry I didn't come sooner." Maya Said her face now completely wet and she hugged him tighter and uncuffed his wrists from the straps.

He held her face in his hands and looked at her with tired loving eyes."Maya I love you with all my heart, you were the first best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm sorry I couldn't give you more." Trollex said in between breaths, Maya shook her head and held his face. "Trollex you're everything I could ever ask for, I love you for you! Whether you're royalty or not you're always going to be the biggest piece of my heart." Maya said crying and then kissed his lips to show him how much she loved him.

Everyone was watching and crying at the bittersweet moment and gasped when they saw Trollex's cuts and bruises go away and he started to look less and less pale as he kissed her back with all the love he had for her. "AWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!" Poppy, Barb and Delta said together.

After they broke the kiss and looked lovingly at each other and noticed that he didn't look sick and bruised up and wasn't shaking in fear anymore but he was still badly burned. He touched his arm with his hand and drew it back as he hissed in pain. "I can heal that for you Trollex, in fact I'll heal everybody because Pop Trolls are also healers." Poppy said with a sweet smile, everyone smiled at her and cheered. Trollex and Maya looked at each other lovingly and touched foreheads.

That's all for now everybody and I'm sorry I didn't update last week I was just panicking about this stupid Coronavirus crap, god I hope it goes away soon and remember to wash your hands, stay safe and distance yourself from other people no matter how much it hurts also my birthday is on Friday and I have to stay inside all day so yayyyyyyyy.😒 Anyway bye my lovelies and remember stay safe and I love you all.


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