Chapter 7

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Poppy went up to Branch nervously and tapped his shoulder until he turned around and saw her and smiled at her. "Hey Poppy, What's up?" He said blushing. Poppy blushed too but decided to spill the beans already.

"Branch I have something to confess to you, I'm in love with you." Poppy Said embarrassingly hiding her face in her hands and crying softly.

"Aw crap we're losing her you guys, access plan B!" Trollex said panicking looking through the binoculars until he pulled out a bow and arrow that actually worked and aimed it at Branch until Barb took it away from him. "Whoa Whoa Whoa you're not going to shoot this at my brother buddy! And who said that was plan B?" She said glaring hard at At Trollex. "Guys guys be quiet something is happening." D said looking in the binoculars now.

"Poppy, You don't have to be embarrassed." Branch said as he took her hands from her from her face and looked into her tear struck eyes. "Because I love you too." He Said with a sweet smile on his face shocking both Poppy and the other tribes.

"Ever since I first saw you I fell in love with you and I'm happy you feel the same." Branch said and pulled Poppy into a kiss, Poppy's eyes were wide as were the others but Poppy closed her eyes and returned the kiss, they broke the kiss and looked lovingly into each other's eyes and held hands as they walked off together. Unknown to them the other trolls were cheering and doing little dances.

"WHOOHOO It finally happened everybody!" Trollzart Said as he excitedly spun around in the air. Delta pranced around in such joy. Trollex did flips of excitement. D danced to his hearts content. And Barb Did a guitar solo.

"Oh my gosh this reminds me of the time I confessed to my beloved and beautiful Maya." Trollex said as he pulled out a picture of a beautiful mint green mertroll with purple hair and stared at it with love in his eyes.

"Wow man, she's really pretty you're a really lucky guy." D said as he looked at the photo of the pretty green troll. "Thanks, I love her so much and pretty soon I'm going ask her to marry me." Trollex said as he held the photo to his heart. The 4 other trolls smiled at him and gave him thumbs up, until all of them felt hands on their bodies.

"What the?" Delta said but it was too late when they were pulled out of the bush and tied up with rope. "What's the meaning of this?!" Trollzart said as he glared at the trolls who did this to them. One of them was purple pearly female with blue hair that was brushed to the side and blue leotard with green eye make up, the second one was a purple troll with wild looking red hair that was attached to a mustache and a heart on his chest made of his chest hair and the last one was a blue troll who was naked with red and green body paint with musical notes on his chest and yellow dreads tied in a topknot and by the looks of it he was also sporting a yellow mustache and beard.

"Quiet flying troll!" The female said as she glared at Trollzart while he glared back at her. "Why did y'all do this to this to us?!" Delta Said as she was trying to free herself and her friends.

"Hush sugar and let me serenade you with my my smooth jazz." The purple troll said as he pulled out a Clarinet and began to play it as red rose petals began to form and he was lifted off the ground and started floating.

"Oh no he's a Jazz Troll, I read about them yo! Their music is supposed to put you in drunk state and you'll start having these bizarre dreams!" D said beginning to panic as were everyone else. "Deja de qué nadie quiera esucuchar eso!" The blue troll with body paint said as he took the instrument from the jazz troll and threw it so far away nobody would ever see it again. "MARTHA NOOOOO!!!" The Jazz Troll yelled as he sat down and cried at the loss of his beloved instrument.

"A reggaeton Troll! I've heard about them but I didn't think they were real." Trollex said shocked as he stared at the blue reggaeton troll, the reggaeton troll noticed the Techno Troll staring at him and glared at the Techno Prince. "What are you staring at Techno troll!?" He said fiercely in English, poor Trollex was cowering because he was scared of this guy.

"Por qué hiciste esto?" Trollex spoke in Spanish which shocked everyone including the three trolls who tied them up. "Dude, You speak Spanish?" Barb said looking at him, Trollex nodded at her. "Y'all didn't notice I had a little bit of an accent?" Trollex said raising his brow, the rest of them nodded no because it was a bit of a shock to them all.

"Porqué nos dijeron qué!" The reggaeton troll said glaring at all of them until the female came to his side and put her hand in his face which annoyed him and slapped her hand out his face.

"Ulineun-I joesudeul-eul sangsa-ege delyeowa!" She said in Korean which shocked everyone when they found out what type of troll she was because honestly they couldn't tell at first. "You're a K-Pop Troll!" Barb said shocked until the K-Pop troll punched her in her side which had Barb groaning in pain.

"Quiet punk rocker!" She said glaring at Barb and used her hair to pick up the five tied up trolls. "Where are y'all taking us?" D said scared out of his funk mind. "Quiet four legs!" The Jazz Troll said and pulled out another clarinet and began playing it. "Hey that's not very nice, You can't call him that!" Trollex said angrily at the Jazz Troll who insulted his friend.

"You're right...At least he has legs haha you dumb pixel fish!!!" The Jazz Troll Said laughing at his own stupid joke, D and Trollex rolled their eyes at his offensive remarks.

The five trolls groaned in pain from the tight rope but little did they know that they would be in even more pain than they already are in.

And that's all for today folks, I hope you liked it and I know this chapter wasn't full with enough Broppy but don't worry because the next chapter is going to be chalk full of it also I decided to add FangirlFiasco's OC Maya in this story because...

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And that's all for today folks, I hope you liked it and I know this chapter wasn't full with enough Broppy but don't worry because the next chapter is going to be chalk full of it also I decided to add FangirlFiasco's OC Maya in this story because her and Trollex are so cute together, also the picture belongs to EmilyBandicoot who drew it for me It's from one of the previous chapters also be sure to check out her stories and art because they are amazing and she's so awesome same with FangirlFiasco anyway byyyyyyyye.

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