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Evie and Bailee were standing in the toilets. Bailee handed her a pregnancy test. "You need to know Evie. I found out and I was and am terrified. Your father has blanked me ever since I told him which makes me question who he's making toad in the hole with," she said.

Evie took the test from her best friend and went into the cubicle. She took the test and sighed. Evie left the cubicle and handed the test to Bailee. "You'll have to tell me what the result is. I'm bricking it."

"It'll be fine. I promise you. No matter what, I am always here for you," Bailee told her.

The two girls hugged until the timer on the phone went off. Bailee handed Evie the test and smiled. Evie felt a tear hit her eyes. "Positive. What the hell do I do? I can't handle this," she sobbed.

"First thing you have to do is talk to Tom. He has the right to know. But don't let him put pressure on you. It has to be your decision," she said.


Evie saw Tom in his classroom. Thankfully he was alone which would make things easier for him. She walked inside and sighed. "I need to talk to you. It's important."

"What's up?"

Evie took a deep breath and sighed. She felt a tear slip down her cheek. "I'm pregnant. Your baby."

Tom was shocked. Evie being pregnant changed everything. It confirmed that he had been sleeping with a student. He nodded. "Right. What do you want to do?" He asked. He was hoping she wouldn't keep it. She couldn't keep it.

Evie shrugged. "I don't know. Bailee told me that you had to know. But it's my body Tom and I'll do what's best for me," she told him.

"Look, this could ruin everything! My career. My relationships with Chlo and Mika, my son. This won't work," he said.

Evie couldn't believe what she was hearing. "So you're basically telling me you don't want to be involved? With your baby?" She asked.

Tom nodded. "If you're keeping it, then no. But if you're planning on having an abortion, then I'll be with you," he said.

Evie scoffed. She turned and walked out. She wasn't going to let Tom pressure her into an abortion. Not when it was her choice.


Bailee and Evie were bunking off school. Both their phones were ringing. Neither girl was answering. Evie sighed. "I'm gonna need to tell my dad. He's still in shock about you being pregnant. Me being pregnant too is going to send him to the nuthouse."

Bailee smiled slightly. She sighed and looked at Evie. "Do you know what you're going to do yet?" She asked.

"Nope. There's a million different emotions going on right now. Do I be happy? Scared or just don't feel anything," Evie mumbled. She looked at Bailee. "How do you truly feel? About baby?"

Bailee shrugged. "I don't know. I feel like... this is my baby and I love it already but the other part of me is thinking, how do I cope with being a teen mum. I haven't told my mum yet and she's going to flip."

Evie smiled slightly. Max was away on a trip for the day with Grantly and Ruby. "I don't know how I'm going to explain to him about Tom."

"Lie. Say it was someone in a club."

Evie shrugged. She didn't know what she was going to do. Or If she could even keep the baby.

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