First Day

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They say your child's first day of school can be emotional. They were not wrong. I cried half of the day.

I stood with the rest of the parents as we waited for our children to be let out. I looked around, observing the other parents. Most of them were with their partners, unlike me. My husband died two and a half years ago. We were only married for six years. We got married right before the twins were born.

Speaking of twins, while waiting for mine, I noticed two identical girls run to their - what I'm assuming to be - father. In all honesty, he was very attractive. Dark hair with tattoos littering his body, definitely my type.

I shook the thought away as I heard two children simultaneously yell "mommy!"

"There they are!" I exclaimed as I got on one knee to hug my running children. "How was your first day?"

"It was great, mom! We got choccy milk!" My son excitedly said. I chuckled at his love for the stuff.

"I made two new friends! Their names are Cherry and Lily!" My daughter answered happily.

"That's great, guys! Now let's get home so we can get dinner in the oven, yeah?" I picked both kids up, placing one on each hip with my left arm holding up my daughter and the right holding up my son.

"Kat!" I heard a small voice call my daughter's nickname, short for Katarina.

"Cherry! Mommy, look, it's Cherry and Lily!" She wiggled around, making me put her down. I sighed and put my son down as well.

"Hi, Cherry. Hi, Lily." I waved to the girls. I looked up to see the man from earlier walk up behind the girls.

"I'm getting to old for their speed," he chuckled, holding his hand out, "I'm Frank, I'm their father."

"Y/N, nice to meet you." I shook his hand, "That is Katarina, my daughter, and this is my son, Jasper." I pointed to the boy wrapped around my leg. Frank got down to Jas's level and held his hand out.

"Hello, Jasper. I'm Frank." Jas peeked at him and slowly hugged him instead. "Nice to meet you too, bud." He chuckled.

"Jas! Come meet Cherry and Lily!" I heard Kat call. Jasper looked up at me for permission, then quickly ran over once I nodded.

"Sorry about Jasper. He, uh, he actually hasn't ever done that before. He's usually very shy." I apologized.

"No need for apologies, I don't mind. It was actually pretty sweet." He smiled.

"Well it certainly surprised both of us." I chuckled as the four children came back over to us.

"Mommy, Mister Frank, can Cherry and Lily come over this weekend?" My daughter asked. Those damn puppy eyes get me every time.

"I don't mind if your mother says it's okay." Frank replied, looking over at me.

"How about this; Saturday maybe we can have a barbecue at our house? All of you can come over." I proposed. My daughter screeched excitedly and began jumping up and down.

"Thank you, mommy! I can't wait to show them our sandbox! It's so big! Like, as big as a dinosaur!" She exaggerated.

"Is that fine with you? Around noon? I can make whatever. I don't really eat meat but the girls do so there will be different types of salads." I rambled a little.

"That's perfect, actually. I don't eat meat either so that is actually kind of perfect." He chuckled.

"Sounds like a plan then."

After a little coercing, I finally got my kids in the car. Saturday can't come soon enough.

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