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Denki was afraid. He shivered. His head was spinning. He'd had a blindfold on for hours now. It was cold. All he could hear was the car driving him to a unknown location.

How did this happen?

Kaminari was walking along the street minding his own business whistling a happy tune, when he hears a man down the alley start to scream.

Being the not so smart person he is he hurries down to help the man. Then he's hit over the head and blindfolded.

So now he's here.

The car seemed to stop abruptly. All he could do was wonder what horrors he would meet.

He was tugged along and thrown into yet another dark room. They took the blindfold off. "how long you think this one will last?" "He's small. Not long" whoever was talking laughed then walked away leaving him with his thoughts.

He looked around. He was in a bigger room than he expected. There was jail cells lined up on every wall. Most of them were full of people. All different ages.

He looked next to him the one cell on his left contained a big man who he didn't exactly want to mess with.

However on the right there was a boy. Around his age. He looked closer. Purple hair...had he seen him before?

He coughed quietly. God his head hurt. "Excuse me?" He tried. The purple haired boy either ignored him or was asleep.

He stared at the boy. Where did he know him from?

"Why don't you take a picture it will last longer?" Kaminaris head shot up. Which he regretted immediately. He groaned.

"Where are we?" "Why should I tell you?" "Cause if not um I won't help you escape!"

"First off be quiet. Second you can't escape from this place. It's impossible."

"And this place is...." This time the purple haired boy groaned. "This place is a quirk battle arena. People take bets to see who's quirk will beat who."

"Isn't that illegal?" "No of course not. That's why all the fighters are kidnapped people and they run it underground."

"That doesn't make any sense." "Your a moron." "And your rude. long have you been here?"

"Why would I tell you?" "Fine don't. Why do you have a bed?" "Why do you ask so many questions?"

Kaminari grumbled. "Look okay i don't know what's going on. I'm scared and my head's killing me. So instead of being a ass why don't you help me?"

The purple haired boy was quiet for a second then sat up. "I've been here a couple months. I have a bed cause I won a match. You have any other questions you want to pester me with?"

"Yeah actually. Whens the next fight?" "The day after tomorrow. Can I go back to bed now?" "One more...what's your name?"

He was quiet for a minute. "Hitoshi. Hitoshi Shinsou." Kaminari had heard that name before but where ugh damn this stupid headache he thought to himself.

"My names Kaminari." "Amazing. Now I'm going back to bed." And with that Shinsou laid back down.

Kaminari scootched into a corner. He never really liked being alone, and being in the dark wasn't helping.

He held his knees to his chest and thought of happy things. Bright lights. My friends. He closed his eyes and imagined hanging out with Mina and Kirishima.

"Hey blondie." He opened a eye. "Yes?" "Your very bright you know that?" "Didn't you just call me a moron?" "I meant your light dumbass."

He now understand. He was glowing. "My bad. I didn't even know I could do that." He opened his other eye and now in his light he could clearly see the bags under Shinsous eyes.

"Wait I do know you! Your from UA!" "Shhh!" "Right sorry. You were the one with a brainwashing quirk right?"

"Yes. Now will you be quiet?" "No. Are you crazy your someone I know. It makes me feel a lot better... what happened?"

"What do you mean?" "How'd you get here?" Shinsou looked at the glowing blonde.

How had he gotten here?

I drew the picture up top! Idk if it's considered good but I like it. I've never drawn someone sitting before so that was a experience. I'm super happy with this. I LOVE SHINKAMI!

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