Chapter 1

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This is the first chapter in hopefully a long story. I hope you enjoy it and please comment on your thoughts. Thanks, and enjoy it.

Spy's POV

I walked leisurely over to my dusty dressing table to get ready for yet another day at this dark and depressing place. My ombre black shirt lay at the top of the pile and was ready to be worn. I put it on and as I continued to get dressed the Matron ruptured into my room. "Scarlet get downstairs now. You are needed for serving..." The Matron stormed out of my room with heavy footsteps and seemed to run down the corridor. I rolled my eyes and quickly brushed my brown hair to try and remove the birdnest of a mess. "...NOW SPY!" She slammed her came harshly onto the ground and started off again. I watched her storm of then decided not to get myself killed and go down as soon as I could. I tied my hair up and but on my jumper and started downstairs to the kitchen to help.

The yellowing wallpaper in the long and ominous halls was peeling and the cracking floorboards made the corridor eerier than it needed to be. Every step you took was like stepping on a twig and there was no one who wouldn't agree with you. The smell that would hit from the open bedroom doors could knock you out if you weren't careful. I walked down this corridor and on to the collapsing staircase and placed my hand to the railing to steady myself.

The railing gave way.

The sound of wood braking filled the hall as my body fell down the step splintering stairs. I landed on the floor and groaned softly then shot straight back up and walked briskly to the kitchen to help out the staff. I stopped abruptly and looked at the stairs and they looked in complete disarray. I went to fix it but then I remembered it doesn't work on wood and I left it like that hoping no one would be stupid enough to use it. 

As I neared the cafeteria, The sound of children yelling and scream hit me like a hammer, I saw everyone was running around and not listening to a word the staff was saying. The staff member looked at me and was on the brink of tears "Oh scarlet, help us, please. They listen to you." Mother Madin placed her hands on her face and cried softly as the children started throwing things at her.

I whispered to Mother Madin and she nodded softly and walked to the kitchen. "Hey, kids! OI. SHUT IT NOW..." The room fell silent and everyone sat down gently. "...Thank you. Now, this first table one line and grab a tray then get your food. Calmly!" The children did as they were told and thanked and apologized to Mother Madin. She forgave each kid and smiled sweetly at them. One by one the tables got up, walked to get a tray for there food and thank Mother Madin. I waited till everyone had gotten their food then collected mine. "Thank you Mother Madin," I nodded my head softly then went to sit down.

I poked my food and it jiggled like jelly. I looked at it confused then looked at the menu for today. It was meant to be pancakes. I pushed the plate any and grabbed an apple from the nearly empty fruit bowl. My friend Elliot waved at me from across the room and I giggled softly. Sadly we could never sit together because girls and boys weren't allowed to be alone togeather.

Laughter and chatter slowly filled the room as everyone eat happily with each other. I smiled to my self. The happiness didn't last long.

A siren started going off and scared the young children. They all started crying and screaming and no one started running. "Everyone to your dorms NOW!" I yelled at them all. They all hurried around trying to get to their rooms.

I ran over to the table that had the youngest children and started picking them up. The youngest child was barely two years of age. I carried the two youngest kids up and was followed close behind by the rest, to the staircase that wasn't falling apart and went into my room. I placed them on my bed and waited for the others. Once they had entered I locked my bedroom door. I went over to them all and gave them a hug to calm them. "We're all ok. I promise."

They cried loudly for help so I started singing softly to calm the children. I continued to sing as I walked over to the window and saw something that wasn't meant to be there. I robot-like being floated out and started talking to each other. I look at them surprised and my eyes widened. They saw me and stared straight back at me.

One looked at me and yelled, "Exterminate"

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