Chapter 3, FlashBack

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 I've had this for a while and I need more time to work the 4th chapter so I hope this is ok. Thanks.

Spy's POV

I sat at my desk writing poems when suddenly something hit my window. I thought it was a bird so I rushed over to check. It was Elliot throwing rocks at my window trying to get my attention. It clearly worked. "Hi, Elliot," I called as I opened the window and he climbed up the vines that fell from my window sill. I gave him a hug and he hugged back. 

"Hi, Spy. What are you doing?" I went back to my desk and handed him my notebook.

Engulfed, Overpowered, conquered

By the crisp white page

Of fresh inspiration.

 "Writing. It's not good." I said and he gave it back. I put it away and sat down. 

"I think it's great Spy." He said and smiled at me. We talked happily and had a great time catching up. The matron knocked on my door and I used my sonic screwdriver to but a perception filter over Elliot so that she couldn't focuse on him. I let her in and she started screaming at me.

"I heard a boy. You know you're not allowed boys in your room until your 18! You're a disobedient child and NO ONE WILL EVER TAKE YOU. I WILL BE STUCK WITH YOU FOREVER."  I nodded and then she left. I defiltered Elliot and cryed softly. He comforted me. 

We continued to talk for hours and when the sun was setting it was time for Elliot to go. "Bye Elliot. See you later." I said as he climbed out of my window. 

"Goodbye Spy." He smiled sadly. When he reached the ground he waved and me and sprinted off. I watched him turn the corner and leave my view. I missed him already.

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