Chapter 14

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Rose POV

The TARDIS finished whirring and settled. "Rose. Go get Spy. She's home." He stated, not wanting an answer.

"ok, " I mummbled and headed to Spy's bedroom. I could hear the Doctors mumbling as I walked down the hall. I knocked on the door softly and called out for her, "Spy? The Doctor wants to see you. I think he has brought you home..."I waited for a few minutes and heard nothing but the soft whirring of a sonic screwdriver. " Spy? You alright?" I asked and knocked on the door once more.  I heard rousing and then heard her answer angrily. 

"I'm fine. I'll come out but if you think for one second that I'm talking to him. THINK AGAIN." She Slammbed her door open,  which I luckily dodged, and stormed out of her room without even a glance at me. With her tattered backpack on and her wrecked art book in hand, She walked down the hall and turned the corner leaving my sight. 

I hurried down the hall to follow her and managed to catch up. We walked into the main room and Spy just walked straight by the Doctor and right out of the TARDIS. "Doctor?" I stammered. He glared at me then followed Spy out of the TARDIS. "Spy! Wait up!" 

Spy kept storming down the street and turned into an alleyway.  The Doctor stopped and started walking in the opposite direction. "Doctor? Doctor, we can't just leave her." 

"Why not. She doesn't want anything to do with us..." He said and I gave him a sceptical look. "...Fine. Me." He stormed off and I had to sprint to catch up. 

"Doctor. What if something happens to her and you're not there to help?" I asked and he stopped dead in his tracks. I watched as he seemed to stop and think about what I had said. "She could need you." 

He turned to look at me and was about to speak but was quickly interrupted by a blood-curdling scream. Before I could say anything he was off and running.  I sighed heavily and took off after him. We ran into the main street and sprinted down to where the scream originated. We were running so fasted that we didn't see Spy come around the corner. We all skidded to a stop and the Doctor and Spy just looked at each other. Spy glared at him but he just staring straight at the ground. "So," I said, trying to start the conversation.

"I'm um..." Spy started when she was interrupted by another scream. "WE'RE COMING!" She yelled and continued running with the Doctor and I close behind her. Together we found her owner of the scream. 

On the floor lay a small fragile boy. His eyes where red and puffy that matched his cheeks. Small bruises were scattered around his body. His clothes, tattered and torn, hugged his body in an unnatural way. He looked at us and his eyes started to roll back into his head. Spy was on it. She fell to the floor and quickly grabbed the small boy and cradled him in her arms. I joined her on the concrete but the Doctor just started searching the area. The small boy lay unconscious in Spy's arms and I watched as she cared for him, trying to wake him up.

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