Chapter 12

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Sorry if this chapter is shorter then usual. I hope you enjoy it.

Rose's POV

The Doctor and Spy sat there in silence. I left them to well stare at each other and went to the bathroom.

Small Time Jump 

I washed my hands and walked out of the ladies bathroom. I went to our table to see Spy standing up with her hands in fists by her side. The Doctor standing and looking at Spy sadly while she yelled at him.

Spy's POV

Rose walked away and left me and The Doctor alone. We started talking about the places and times he's visited.

The waitress came over and cleared our table. Once she was gone he pulled a tattered old notebook out. He opened it and started reading. I recognised some of the handwriting.

I snatched the book and looked at the end writing that was scribbled along the sides. It had nice neat writing that was carefully written in the middle. Around that was writing that was messy and some bits even rushed. I recognised the messy handwriting and grabbed something from my back pocket. I always keep the note with me. The note I have had since a baby.

"Excuse me." The Doctor said annoyed. He took the book back and quickly put back in his jacket pocket. He saw the note and gulped.

I examined my note and placed my hand out on the table. "Give it," I growled through gritted teeth.

"It's my property." He replied and refused to look me in the eye.

"If you have nothing to hide then give it to me!" I stated not needing or wanting an answer.

"Ok," He mumbled and grabbed the notebook. He placed it on the table still looking down. I grabbed it and compared the handwriting. THEY MATCHED.

I slammed my hands on the table and stood up. Hot tears formed in my eyes. "What the hell!" I yelled and all eyes turned to look at me. "Why do they match?!" I asked him. He went to talk but couldn't. "TELL ME!" I screamed and the hot tears started running down my face.

"I wrote the letter." He said softly and tried to take his book back. He looked behind me and I heard Rose's voice. I didn't care and keep yelling at The Doctor.

"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN? I HAVE HAD SINCE I WAS A BABY! SOME ARSEHOLE LEFT ME AT AN OR..." I screamed then stopped. "Omg! Y...YOU!" I cried through shaky breaths.

"Spy. Listen. I didn't want..." He stammered and stood up to try and calm me. He went to place his hand on my shoulder but I moved away. "...I didn't want you to get hurt..."

"Well, I'm glad we avoided that," I growled and started walking out of the cafe. Everyone watched as I left.

Rose POV

I watched as Spy stormed out of the cafe. The Doctor stood there looking at the table. "Doctor? What just happened?" I asked and walked over to him.

We sat back down and he placed his hand in his hands. He sighed softly then looked up at me. "She found out Rose. She found out the one thing I wanted to hide." I thought maybe she found out his name but that didn't seem to fit the Spys actions.

"What were you trying to hide?" I asked hoping that he would explain.

He looked me in the eye then said. "She's my daughter Rose."

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