Chapter 10, FlashBack

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This is a flashback of when Spy was at the orphanage and around the age 4-5.

Spy's POV

The Matrons cane hit my leg and propelled a shoot of pain through my body. My scream echoed around the room along with The Matron yelling. The staff watching from afar, some even laughing. The Matron stopped beating me and yanked me up by my hair. She placed her hand on my face and stared me in the eye.

"Don't ever do that again!" She snarled and through me to the ground. I stumbled up to stand and looked at the staff. The Matron left the room with them close behind. One lady stayed.

"I'm Mother Madin" She walked up to and went to place her hand on my shoulder but I pulled away scared. She sighed softly. "It's ok. I promise I won't hurt you. I can't even imagine hurting a little kid." She said. Her voice was soft and calming. Tears streamed out my face as she went to hug me. I flinched as her arms embraced my body.

She walked me back to my room and started cleaning my wounds. She wiped away my tears and helped me into bed. She tucked me in and handed me a small, brown and beautiful teddy. She started to leave my room but turned back around. She smiled softly. "Good night Spy." She whispered then left my room.

I vowed to myself to always protect her and those needed it.

The next day I woke up to hear someone crying. I got out of my bed and run to the door. I sprint towards the cry to find Mother Madin. She was walking down the hall and away from The Matron. She saw me and tried to hide her face but I had already seen the dark red mark that was forming.

She went to go past me but I grabbed her clothes. "Yes miss Spy?" She asked not looking at me.

"You hurt!" I started and looked up at her. She looked at me and smiled softly.

"Its alright dear. Come on. Let's get you dressed." She said and we started walking back to my room.

She helped me pick out a nice outfit and left the room so I could get dressed. When I was done I went out of my room to see Mother Madin crying softly. I gave her a small hug. She kneeled down and hugged me back.

We hugged for a while then The Matron started storming down towards us. We quickly broke the hug and hurried down to the kitchen. The Matron watched as we scrambled along and she started yelling at the other kids to wake up. 

We made it into the kitchen and she sat me down to talk. "Spy. We can never let The Matron know that we are helping each other and the other children. She will hurt you and the others if she finds out. Let's keep it a secret. Agreed?" She asked concerned.

"Yes, Mother Madin. We shall help secretly." I agreed and put my hand out. She shook my hand and we started to make breakfast.

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