Chapter 15, Flashback

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8-year-old Spy POV

I walked out of my room and followed the stream of kids that marched down the hall. I felt like singing 'Its a hard knock life' from Annie but I refrained from doing so to not embarrasses myself. I went into the kitchen and started helping with the serving. Kids screaming filled the room as they came running up to us and fought each other for first in line.

After all the kids got their food and were sitting down I noticed this small little boy sitting by himself with no meal. There was only one tray left because earlier that day a few new children came here. I picked up the tray and went over to the table with the food and sat down with him. We were a similar age and he looked at me with sad eyes.

 I pushed the tray closer to him and I nodded. He took the bread of the tray and ate it happily and I took an apple and nibbled away at it while I watched as he ate the food and thanked me with a soft nod and smile.  I smiled back and headed up to my room. 

I was nearly out of the dining room when I heard some yelling and crying. I turned around to see the small boy I had helped earlier and a bunch of other kids around him, That were a lot older. He had tears in his eyes. I ran over and pushed one of them over. He fell to the ground in a heap and the others looked at me and gasped.

"Stop upsetting him," I screamed and stamped my foot. They laughed and slammed my tiny weak body into the ground.  

"Like you could have stopped us." They laughed and walked away leaving me crying softly and the boy crying and walking over to me. He helped me up and smiled sweetly.

"Thank you for standing up for me. My names Eliot. What's yours?"He said and sat back down. 

I replied, "No worries. My name is Spy but everyone calls me Spohia. You ok?" I sat next to him. 

"I'm alright. Are you ok?" I nodded softly and my eyes slowly went blurry. He must have noticed that I was faint and he saw blood dripping down the back of my head. He looked at me with concern and called for help. A lady came over I knew as Mother Madin.  "Spy needs some help. She has a wound on her head." He said and help Mother Madin find it. I watched as she picked me up and carried me to the nurse's office. 

Time Jump

I woke up and looked around. Elliot was sleeping on the bed next to me and he looked so peaceful. I smiled softly and went back to sleep. 

Mother Madin's POV 

They lay sleeping peacefully in the beds. Elliot started to wake up and he mummbled unhappily. Spy put her hand out and placed it on his hand. They held hands while they slept and it was the sweetest thing. I left the room and started to do my work but the Matron stopped me. "Where are you going?!" She snapped and made me jump. 

"I'm going to my office to do some work," I replied. She glared at me then nodded me on the way. I hurried down the hall and the Matron walked into the nurse's office. I heard a scream and ran back into the room. I found Spy and Elliot curled up in a ball next to each other with the Matron standing in front of them, yelling. Tears rolled down Elliot's face and Spy hugged him tightly. 

"YOU KIDS NEED TO GET TO CLASS. HURRY NOW!" The Matron yelled and they jumped up and started sprinting away. Before Spy left she turned to look at the Matron and stuck her tongue out. Spy then ran away and was gone from view. The Matron glared at me then snapped, " Get to work." I watched as she then stormed out of the room. 

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