Chapter 8

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Rose's POV

We spun around to see a sickly looking man in a wheelchair and the Doctor laughed. "Who is he?" I whispered to The Doctor. 

"That, my dear Rose, is The Creator..." Seeing that I was confused he started to explain. "...He made all the Cybermen." He said and walked over to the old man. He began to speak again when Spy interrupted.

"And he appears to be asleep. What kind of villain sleeps with his whole place going crazy?" Spy questioned and walked over to the old man too. I followed, not wanting to be alone. The Cybermen banging at the door was incredibly loud and fighting. 

"What's he doing Doctor?" I asked. The Doctor stopped examining the person and looked at me.

"Isn't it obvious..." The Doctor asked. I shook my head. "... Like Spy girl said. He's sleeping I believe." I walked up to both of them and begun to look at the old man too. He had sunken in eyes with similar cheeks. His mouth was nearly non-existent. He looked like he'd blow away if we breathed too hard. 

"So Doc. I noticed that Rose calls you 'Doctor'. Is there a reason for that?" Spy asked trying to make conversation. 

"Yes, there is..." He said and looked up at me. "...That's my name. Like yours is just Spy." He reasoned. Spy nodded and continued to look around the room. I kneeled in front of the man in the wheelchair but whispered to The Doctor. 

"Doctor?" I asked. He mumbled in response. "Who is she?" He just shook his head. "Do you know her?" I pestered. "You can tell me whatever it is that's happening here." I tried to reassure him but he just shrugged it off. I gave up. I stood back up and looked around the wheelchair. "So what are these?" I asked and looked at the wires and tubes that fed into the wheelchair.

"It's his life support because he's dying." The Doctor and Spy said in sync. I laughed and touched one. It was hot.

"He must be trying to cheat death with Cybermen. He is testing it on humans until he gets in 100 per cent right." Spy said and pulled out of of the tubes out of its spot. 

"Be careful back there." The Doctor said while tinkering with a panel on the chair. Sparks flew from the side of the wheelchair and set Spy's hair on fire. 

I quickly took off my jacket and placed it on her head trying to put the fire out. I patted her head with the jacket and it worked. The fire was out but she looked mad. "Really?" She glared at me and sighed softly. "I'll have to get a hair cut now." She groaned.

"I think the hair cut is the least of our worries. Incoming!" The Doctor yelled and started disabling the Cybermen that had broken through the doors. The Doctor and Spy tried to stop the Cybermen but were having trouble. I grabbed the tube that I had touched before and unplugged it. I faced it at a Cyberman and his centre circle started to melt. The Doctor was smiling and Spy had this silly grin on her face. 

The Doctors POV

I tried to stop the Cybermen and from the corner of my eye I could see Spy doing the same as me but Rose was doing weird things. She was pulling bits of the wheelchair and using them to destroy the Cybermen. 

The fighting went on for ages with me and Spy using our Sonic Screwdrivers while Rose melted Cybermen. Out of nowhere the man in the wheelchair woke and started screaming things at the Cybermen. They all stopped and started to leave the room. I watched as they left but waited just outside like guards. "Thank you..." I said to the man. "...Now. Can we talk? Timelord to...Cyberlord?" I asked. Spy stared at me like she had heard of a timelord before. Not many people had so I was surprised. 

"I am The Creator and you will never defeat me. My Cybermen are finally to strong to for you to stop. I will win." The Creator said and throw his hands up into the air. 

"But you see that's what I do. I defeat the idiots who want to take over, then when I try to have a happy adventure I end up having to do it again. It's very tiring you know." I groaned and put my hands in my coat pockets. 

"You will not prevail this time. You will fall and no one will there to help you up." He screeched and was clearly getting annoyed.

 "Normally I'm helping others so I'd like to them try and do what I do. Creator, I suggest you just give in now." I stated and walked around the room. I walked over to a chair and started to spin around. "Let's not talk about taking over the world. I'm so sick of it. How's everything with you?" I asked politely. 

"Stop that Doctor. Why do you ask such stupid questions? "He yelled. I got up and walked back over to him the shrugged. I stood in front of him and stared at his eye sockets. "What can you do to stop me? Your little friend and.." He looked at Spy then laughed. "... What looks like your sister in dress up. Neither one can help you know." I looked at Rose and Spy. They had been standing in place for a while now in shock. 

"Well, they don't need to help me because I have already beaten you," I said confidently. He glared at me with confusion and it amused me. 

"What do you mean Doctor? You haven't beaten me yet. You will never beat me." The Creator yelled and throw his hands up once more. 

"See that is where you're wrong. When you were having a nap and these to ladies were fighting the Cybermen I tinkered with your chair. When Rose pulled wires and tubes from your wheelchair it set everything in motion." I admitted confidently. "Never could resist a good mechanical wheelchair." I joked and kicked The Creators wheelchair. It started to rumble and groan. 

"What have you done Doctor!" He roared as smoke procured from the bottom of his chair. 

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