New partner

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Classes started, and so did my current shift. I tried to sleep as much as I could, but I struggled. Since the night that Eliza died, I couldn't sleep. Between the nightmares and hallucinations, along with my family, sleep became difficult.

I showed up for my shift and met with Chief Hayes.

"Gray, let me introduce you to your new partner. This is Kaylee Hayes," the chief introduced us.

Kaylee held out her hand to me, and I looked at it. She retracted her hand.

"Kaylee became certified this summer," the chief said. "We couldn't be more proud of her." The chief hugged Kaylee. She smiled; I didn't.

"It's nice to meet you, Gray," Kaylee said.

"Kaylee can teach you things so that I would pay attention," the chief said, walking away.

I stood there, unamused.

"Don't mind my dad. He acts gruff, but he's a marshmallow," Kaylee mentioned.

"Yeah, well, your dad hates me," I said, walking away. Not only did I get a new partner, but the chief's daughter, FML.

I walked over to my rig and climbed inside, checking supplies.

"Did I say something wrong?" Kaylee asked me.

I stopped writing and looked at Kaylee. "No, I'm having a rough time," I answered.

Kaylee looked at me.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, referring to the other night.

Kaylee looked at me with surprise.

"You came to my house with the girls," I reminded Kaylee.

"Oh," Kaylee mumbled. "That was a crazy night. I rarely drink."

I looked at Kaylee.

"I wanted to get Nora out of the dorm room," Kaylee mentioned.

The bell rang, and I put the clipboard back. I got out of the back of the rig and got into the front seat. Kaylee got on the passenger side as we made our way to a call.

We pulled up to an address and grabbed our gear, then went to the front door. I knocked, and a woman answered.

"Oh, my," the woman said, surprised.

"You called 911, ma'am?" I asked.

"Yes, I need help," the woman answered. We looked at the woman. "My cat is acting like a jerk."

"Excuse me, did you say cat?" I asked.

"Yes, can you tell my cat to stop acting like an asshole?" The woman asked me as she rubbed my arm.

I removed her hand from me. "Ma'am, give the cat some catnip, and it will help," I suggested.

"I will do that. Thank you, cutie," the woman flirted.

I smiled, then turned and rolled my eyes. I left the residence as Kaylee followed.

"Do you get a lot of calls like that?" Kaylee asked.

"Unfortunately," I sighed.

Kaylee looked at me, trying not to laugh. Another call came in, and we went to answer it-most of our night comprising stupid calls. We refer to these calls as repeat offenders. They call, hoping I show up. I wished I didn't get these calls.

I stopped to get coffee at a diner, ordering two coffees, and brought them out to the rig. I got inside and handed Kaylee one cup.

"Thanks," Kaylee said.

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