You have crazy, then there's Kaylee

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After dinner with Kaylee's dad, I learned something valuable about her. She's freaking crazy but in the right way. She made sense of life.

I came out of class and got pelted with a snowball. What the frick? I turned and looked, then got nailed in the face. I wiped the snow off my face and saw Kaylee laughing hysterically.

"Oh, you think this is funny?" I yelled.

"I find it hilarious. You're acting all serious," Kaylee mocked me. "Then, boosh!"

I gave Kaylee a look, then packed a snowball, whipping it at her. Except, I didn't hit Kaylee, but Pax. Kaylee covered her mouth as Pax glared at me.

"Oops, my bad!" I yelled shrugging.

That's all it took for Pax to charge me. I spun on my heels and ran. I might be taller than my brother because he's a shrimp, but Pax has a temper. Plus, he was squirrelly.

Pax caught me, making me fall face-first into the snow. He sat on my back and shoved snow into my face. "I hope you enjoy eating snow since I can't make you eat grass, you tool!"

I fought as someone yanked Pax off of me. They held Pax as he swung and kicked while I got off the ground.

"Presley, how many times do we need to tell you you're not a damn cow?" Payton asked as Parker held Pax's coat.

"Knock it off, twit!" Parker snapped, smacking Pax upside the head.

I gave my brothers an annoyed look. "First, I wasn't aiming for Pax. I was trying to hit Kaylee," I admitted.

My brothers looked at me like I was stupid.

"With a snowball since she hit me first," I added.

"As long as it's snow and not your fists," Payton warned.

"I prefer to be a lover, not a fighter," I retorted.

"I swear, our little brother would knock up a chick if he had his chance," Payton told Parker.

"You some kind of special?" Parker asked Payton. "It's difficult to time knock up a chick when you're not having sex."

Payton gave Parker an annoyed look.

"No one is knocking up anyone," I told my brothers.

"I'm not," Pax mentioned.

We looked at Pax skeptically.

"Unless we make world history and don't mention the pregnant man. He doesn't count," Pax added.

While my brothers discussed the intricate details of pregnancy, Kaylee made her way to me. I looked at her. "Was that necessary?"

"No, but it was funny as hell," Kaylee chuckled.

"You're crazy," I remarked.

"I prefer sanity challenged. It has a better ring to it than crazy," Kaylee retorted, not missing a beat.

My brothers snickered.

"Don't encourage her," I warned.

"No, you encourage me," Kaylee countered, grinning.

See what I mean? You have crazy; then there's Kaylee. We left to get coffee because it's butt-ass cold out here. Now I can see why everyone goes to Florida in the winter.

We entered the bakery since I got banned from the coffeehouse, thanks to Mason. Yeah, I'm still pissed at him. My cousin has a big ass mouth and doesn't know when to shut it.

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