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I made it to the station to see Martinez on top of Kaylee as she laid face down on the cement. I saw red as I charged him, crashing into him. His pants undone, and I felt rage.

"You piece of shit!" I roared as my fist connected with his face. I held his shirt with my left hand as I hit him repeatedly. I wanted to beat him to death.

While I beat the hell out of Martinez, my brothers tended to Kaylee and Hathaway. Parker opened a rig and grabbed supplies.

"How is she?" Parker asked Payton about Hathaway.

"Breathing," Payton said as Parker tossed Payton medical supplies. Payton administered first aid to Hathaway with Pat helping.

Parker and Pax helped Kaylee. Martinez became bloody as I continued until someone pulled me off of him.

"Get off of me!" I screamed, fighting the person.

"Stop! You'll kill him!" Nixon yelled.

"Good! He deserves to die!" I yelled.

Marshall and Brody checked Martinez to make sure I didn't kill him. Martinez coughed and groaned.

"Call for backup," Marshall ordered Brody, who pulled out his cellphone and made a call.

"What the?" Caleb said, entering the station and seeing the scene. Nixon had his arms wrapped around me. Caleb walked over to Parker. "Get me a board and a neck brace. We need to move Kaylee carefully," Caleb ordered.

Caleb leaned over Kaylee's mouth to check her breathing. "Get me an intubation kit, Parker," Caleb yelled.

Parker emerged from the rig and handed Caleb the kit.

"Hold Kaylee's head," Caleb instructed as he inserted the device in her mouth and intubated her. Parker and Caleb worked quickly. Nixon released me.

I heard sirens as police arrived, along with emergency crews from another station. I looked to see Caleb bag Kaylee and press it. Parker got up and went over to Hathaway and helped her.

Paramedics came in and took Kaylee first as Caleb went with her. Marshall cuffed Martinez and read his rights to him, then had officers take him. Another officer questioned me. I answered what I could while Marshall spoke to a different officer.

All I could think of at that moment is that what Eliza went through, and no one knew. How did I miss the signs? It was one thing they train you on when you encounter a sexual assault victim.

Paramedics took Hathaway in another ambulance. I stood there with my brothers, who had blood on them, and dropped to my knees, then cried. Nixon crouched and wrapped his arms around me, offering me comfort.


Piper and I were at Ma and Dad's house visiting when my phone rang. I answered. I sat there, listening to Brody explain what happened tonight. Everyone looked at me as I sat there, stunned.

"Yeah, we'll be there," I said, hanging up.

"Lex?" Piper asked with concern.

"We need to go to school. There was an incident," I said, getting up.

"What incident?" Dad asked me.

I looked at Dad. "The guy that's suing the boys assaulted Kaylee and another woman tonight at the firehouse," I whispered, shocking everyone.

"Oh, God," Nana gasped.

Piper got up and grabbed her coat. I pulled on my jacket, and we left. Our boy needed us.

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