Apple orchard shenanigans

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My grandpa, uncles, and aunts finally left. Thank god, because I needed space from everyone. It's bad enough that Nora roped me into going to the Apple orchard. I roped my brothers into agreeing to go, well, maybe.

"You want us to do what?" Parker asked me.

"Go with me to the Apple orchard with Nora and some guy," I answered.

"When did you and Nora hang out?" Pat asked.

My brothers looked at me curiously.

"We started hanging out recently. It's nice not worrying about romantic feelings, considering Nora's like a sister to me," I answered.

"That's good because I'm sure if you dated Nora would thrill Matthew to no end along with Mason," Pax mentioned.

My brothers and I looked at Pax incredulously.

"You were all thinking it," Pax added.

"No, we weren't, you tool," Payton said.

"Can we get back to the fact that baby brother wants us to chaperone a date with him?" Parker questioned.

"Look, I don't want to do this, and I know that Nora feels more comfortable if people are there. You all wanted to hang out, now is your chance," I said, walking away.

My brothers looked at each other.

"If this means it helps Presley, then we're going to the damn apple orchard," Payton told the others.

"Okay, but we're bringing company," Parker added, smirking.

When I mentioned bringing my brothers, that didn't mean to bring your significant others. My brothers took liberties and brought their girlfriends and boyfriend with us. Great, it's another reason to stay home.

I rode with Pat and Pax along with Britt and Shaun. I sat in the back seat next to Pax.

"How are you doing, Presley?" Shaun asked.

I looked at Shaun as Pax looked at me. Then I turned and stared out the window. I didn't want to make small talk with anyone, including my brother's significant others.

"Do you want to climb the trees when we get there? Remember when Pops caught us in a tree when we were younger?" Pax asked me.

"Yeah, Pops threatened to beat our asses. Then I fell out of a tree and broke my arm," I reminded Pax, looking at him. He furrowed his brows.

Pat looked at me through the rear-view mirror with concern as I looked out the window. The car ride had some tension in it. I didn't want to talk about the past or make small talk. I wanted to get this over with and get on with my life.

We pulled up and got out of the car. Nora showed up with Kaylee. That surprised me. Mason, Skylar, Markus, Hayden, Kaxon, and Jesse pulled up. They got out of the car. My cousins greeted me as I stood there.

I watched as some guy walked over to Nora and talk to her and Kaylee. I turned and walked away, checking out the apple orchard.

"How's Presley doing?" Markus asked my brothers.

"Presley's existing," Parker answered.

My cousins looked at each other as I wandered around the orchard alone. Nora is okay with my family there and didn't need me chaperoning her. I walked around the apple orchard, looking at the trees and people. I saw families, friends, and couples.

I found a tree and leaned on it, watching people walk around and pick apples without a care in the world. One day, these people wouldn't be here to pick apples. Eliza wasn't here to partake in activities. Her life's cut short. She would never have kids or grandkids, but these people don't care.

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